The End dimension is supposed to be a mysterious land for players to explore and have adventures in, which is why it contains a boss fight and end cities. However, there isn’t that much to be found here. Shulker shells and elytra, that’s about it.
So, here’s what I propose: Currently, beyond the void surrounding the Main End Island, lie the End islands, stretching on forever, with chorus trees and end cities. It’s all very repetitive, like the old Nether.
Now, the current End islands should stay as they are, but only up to around 10 000 blocks out. Beyond that, the Outlands would begin to generate. Here, the islands would become larger, flatter and much more varied in height, making it an adventure just to travel through them.
The Outlands are a sort of sub-dimension of the end. Out here, the End’s mystery intensifies, with new and unique mobs, structures and items. For example, imagine traveling through this strange land, passing purple lakes that grant magical effects, or finding the ruins of a civilization that once tried and failed to take root here. Occasionally a dark purple fog descends, obscuring the endermen lurking around.
What this adds to the game:
1) It’s an opportunity to add a lot of new content. 2) It gives players reason to explore more, to set up outposts while in search of endgame loot. End cities are great, but they can often be found without a lot of travel, limiting the time players spend in the End. This provides reason to go further.
Thanks for reading.
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