An item that you can find in another end-like forest of sorts with overgrown qualities and end themed creatures relative to enderman and shulkers but more like wild animals and beasts. These could be found in maybe one out of ten end islands and would have a mini-boss at the center that could be guarded by a pack of enderman like how guardians have elder guardians and etc. The core could be the reward dropped by the enderman boss and could be used as a charm that would allow you to obtain some of the qualities of an end creature such as a chance of getting levitation, or spouting dragon's breath at an enemy. It could be used when you right-click with it in your hand. This idea is a little far-fetched but perhaps it could be a good edition to the end that would make people have more reasons to go to the end other than end cities and the ender dragon. The forests would be purple with large trunks and purple, strange vegetation.
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