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Make raids last a certain period of time

needs info


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    Registered User commented
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    Needs info: How long?

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    Registered User commented
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    I once was three in-game days dying to a ravager. I guess that one in-game day would be ideal. You wouldn't get to hero of the village effect either

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    Registered User commented
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    YES!    And it is way to easy for a raid to occur, I live in a village and whenever i get the bad omen i have to race to find a cow to drink some milk, if I don’t then an annoying raid will occur.  

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    Registered User commented
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    Raids will already despawn after a period of time. Dont know tje exact, but they do. About 7-10 hours of gameplay I think

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    Registered User commented
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    Do you mean they should grab the stuff in containers and leave, like real-life raids?

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    Registered User commented
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    Nope, they do last certain amount of time currently and making it lesser will take the opportunity from those who started the raid intentionally and want hero of the village effect. 
    In case you didn't know, finding illagers during raid is quite easy, just carry a bell or take the bell of the village and whenever you hit the bell you can easily see where illagers are because it gives them glowing effect

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    Registered User commented
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    Honestly sometimes when you’re put into a raid you were not prepared and it could be easier just to sit out and do nothing. However there are those times where you are doing the raid but it’s just taking you longer than you expected. I think to cut your time short would be undesirable. But to sit there and have a village under attack that you were previously playing at is very annoying. I think there could be an implement where there is someway to end a raid immediately, however I would not want that to be easily accessible. This is only because I do not want to take away from the experience of the adrillion when you are put in that situation.