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Nether reset


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  • 204
    Registered User commented
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    This would be a brilliant addition before the new nether update occurs so that we can reset our old nethers into new nethers.

  • 152
    Registered User commented
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    I think it needs to be reset for the new nether update. I have a lot of my nether explored. So it would be really annoying to try to find the new nether biomes. I would prefer not to restart and make a new world seeing that i have over 2 years of progress in my current world.

  • 73
    Registered User commented
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    This would be great for the update

  • 30
    Registered User commented
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    Many players have built a lot of stuff in the nether including huge mob farms and nether hubs. If the nether is completely reset then it may upset those players.

    I suggest only resetting the chunks farther than 192 blocks (12 chunks) from the world spawn or something like that.

  • 88
    Registered User commented
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    This was an option on the legacy console versions after nether fortresses were released. The game is older now, with older worlds with more invested into them, and has a team of developers with the gift of time given experience. With such a major update as the nether update, this should be a one time option given to each world to prevent abusing the nether resources. Make it an option in the world settings. If you feel you've put too much work in the nether, don't reset. It should be an option, in no way forced, to allow players to experience the new update on their existing worlds. As both a bedrock and Java player, I can not stress enough the need for this to be available on BOTH versions, if implemented.

  • 28
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah this would be a great idea, if you have a big world and you explored the nether very much, it would be a good idea to reset the nether so you dont have to waste rails and elytras to explore new chunks, it this would be a good idea with the end too

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    If we can reset it again like before and manage to do it with the end city aswell like it was on PS4 edition that would be AWESOME

  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    The reason stated in the description of this is stupid since fortresses wouldn't move by resetting the dimension. However, an option to reset dimensions (end/nether) is needed, especially with the nether update coming.

  • 24
    Registered User commented
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    I am hoping this gains momentum as we near the Nether Update release. It would upset a major population of the Minecraft community if the Nether Update releases and we have no way to reset our worlds that have years of work and effort put into them.

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Please, pretty please offer this as an option in the nether update.

  • 16
    Registered User commented
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    So I think its a really good idea to reset the nether in 1.16 cause some people don’t want to create a new world just to get the new items so i’m just saying it would be a good option in world settings

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    This will also be extremely helpful when the nether update happens

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Actually delete some files in your save folder will do the job.

    There is a subfolder that keeps blocks genrated in your world in your save folder. Delete the nether part of it (or move it to somewhere else, so you could move it back if needed) will make Minecraft generate them again and you'll get a brand new nether biome. I forget which subfolder exactly but just ask google. It's pretty simple.

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    I think we're ignoring the greater purpose of this feature. Resetting the nether won't change the location of where the seed decides to spawn the nether fortress. Instead, the utility of being able to reset the nether would be useful for people who want to get the new features in 1.16. As of now, the only way we'll be able to get the new features is if we 1. Walk hundreds or thousands of blocks away from where you spawned in your nether world to generate new chunks. 2. Edit the files on the computer. Now, idk about all of you, but resetting the nether in the files feels both, illegitimate and sketchy; one slip of a keystroke and our game is messed up. Not to mention the fact that many of us don't have the computer version of bedrock, or dont have a computer to begin with. This should be added for those reasons in mind, not as a way to gain the system.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Yesss I have been searching forever and I'm stuck finding a nether fortress exploring almost my whole map in the nether.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Make it just a biome reset. A full reset would be exploited a lot for infinite resources.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    Please please can we have a Nether Reset option in BE? Back in the XB1 Edition we had the chance to reset for nether fortresses. Now in Bedrock, we have which debuts the Nether Update, however many of us including myself still have the outdated version of the Nether and I’d really rather not have to start a new seed or travel for thousands of blocks, abandoning my current bases. 

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    This would be extremely helpful on bedrock for the new Nether Update. Traveling a couple hundred block to find unloaded chunks will be extremely painful, and this would make the ordeal easy with the tap of a button. (nether reset button).


  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I really hope they add this so I don’t have to make a new world for the nether update!

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah. It does seem to be very useful for those who want to experience the new things added in the nether in the same world that they had before the update. And some worlds may have things that were a pain for players to build and/or get.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Just go into your world file and delete the "DIM-1" folder. It'll cause the world to generate a fresh nether next time you open it up. You can also delete "DIM1" to reset the end and "region" to reset the overworld.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    This would work perfectly with 1.16

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I've only had my world a year and i'm still growing my farms and stuff.  I am part way through my first ever mega build and I really wouldn't want to start a new world if possible but would love to access the new blocks.  Please introduce a nether reset option - i play on Bedrock/X-box1

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Please add this in the menu so that resetting the nether world is much easier when the nether update comes. There are players that doesn't want to make a new world and start again.

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    After so much work put into my world this would be ideal.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    This is a must. I have a 2 year old realm that really only uses the nether for travel and nothing else, so there’s tons of explored areas that would be good for nothing but taking up storage space after the update. Pls mojang, let me just reset the nether because I can’t just reset the years old world.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I hope that this could be presented as a one time option for the up coming 1.6 update. I imagine it working as follows:

    When entering a nether dimension that was previously loaded in any version before 1.6, The player will be asked "Would you like to reset this world's Nether Dimension? Doing so will erase the entire dimension and replace it with a new one." [Yes] and [No] buttons will appear below. If [No] is selected, the player will be asked if they are sure and that they will not have another chance to reset their game (unless they edit the game files). [Back] and [Don't Reset] buttons will appear below. Selecting [Back] returns the player to the previous question. Selecting [Don't Reset] leaves the Nether alone and the player is never again offered the choice to reset their Nether. If [Yes] was selected for the first question, the player will be warned that doing so will remove anything they have built in the nether. [Back] and [Reset Nether] buttons will appear below. Selecting [Reset Nether] will delete the world's files for the nether and create new ones and the player will never be offered the choice again.


    This only for the purpose of making it easier to find the new biomes without exploring too far. This is not intended to make it easier to find a fortress in the Nether.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    They should add this feature for the nether update.

    I don't want to restart the whole world.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    People keep saying that you just need to go into the files and delete it, but that’s only for Java. It’s like they think that’s the only version people play. I think the option should be added to all versions as a one time opportunity so it’s not exploited, and it wouldn’t be for finding fortresses. Why is that the main focus? The more important thing is to let everyone have a fresh start for the 1.16 update without needing to find new chunks, and with new generation those chunks could generate with odd edges. I think the reset option is a necessary addition to the 1.16 update and I very much hope it’s added.

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    we need that o_o, i hate my old nether and i wish we could easily reset it. So i can't wait for this to be implemented for the nether update. I vote !