Strictly for humanoid and humanoid type mobs feedback and suggestions. Bugs, duplicate ideas, lists of things, and support issues will be deleted.


peaceful pillager


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    Registered User commented
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    I love that aw

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    Registered User commented
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    No because pillagers are not meant to be good.They are enemies and they will always be enemies.Enemies makes the game more challenging.So they should not be changed.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I like that idea, how about it is an ultra rare villager skin variant.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    There should be a way to friend the illagers like you do with villagers. Give them emeralds until they "accept" you. I like the concept of choosing a side rather than being a "hero" all the time. People say that giving the option to friend illagers would make the game less challenging, but in reality it will be just as challenging trying to survive as the bad guy. I am sorry to those that think Minecraft is challenging as to me it's too simple. It's not challenging enough.

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    Registered User commented
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    Pillager weren't always the bad guys...

    1000 years ago, Villagers hunted witches, like we did. One day, an severally harmed adventurer, Mill, fainted in a dark forest from his injuries. A kind medium (That magic doesn't create warts, but it does turn the skin unnaturally pale), Saria, saw him collapse, and healed him. He thanked her, paid her, and then left. 2 months later, this happened again, only Mill walked to her house and asked. This became normal, and they soon became close. 4 years later, Mill secretly married Saria and built a vast mansion for her and her expected children. They had twins, named Piller and Eve. Eve learned all she could about magic from her mother, while Piller set out to explore. Piller soon found a village, where he was nearly stoned to death. Piller tried another village. Same thing. Piller and Eve were furious. As the years turned into decades, and the decades into centuries, the Villagers forgot their wrongs, but the Pillagers and the Evokers never forgot.

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    Registered User commented
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    Awesome starlight I like that concept maybe you would have to make the illagers defect maybe you could get an item from the woodland mansion and use it on a Pillager captain and then they won’t attack you immediately they become neutral and will attack if you don’t give them a weakness potion and give a lot of emeralds and one totem of undying which would symbolize giving the illager the opertunity for a new life and they will get the Either the farmer fletcher weaponsmith and blacksmith professions They will sell cross bows and cross bow enchantments when they are fletchers they would sell iron axes and maybe an enchantment that would bypass the item from the woodland mansion and when you put it on an axe it will do no damage to illagers but will put them into neutral mode and the blacksmith with sell the blacksmith things for a cheaper price but will also sell flint and iron nuggets and gold nuggets the farmers would sell the normal farm stuff as well as sugar sweet berries and cake they would look like normal pillagers but with a coat worn like a vest to cover up the Pillager clothes and when near villagers will put their arms like villagers to try to fit in and will have the headwear of their profession they have a small chance in spawning in taiga plains and savana villages and in their houses there is a guaranteed chance of having a really low durability cross bow to show that they remember but have gave up on their past and villagers wouldn’t be scared of them

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    Registered User commented
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    Or maybe you could give a weakness potion to a villager and a glistening melon and throw nether wart at the villager it will become a Pillager that doesn’t attack you but will attack other villagers and when you bring it to an outpost the other illagers would go into the neutral mode but when you convert them the turned villager will get angry and pull up all of its strength and it uses its powers to summon to vexes then it can only do half a heart of damage with its cross bow and loses a considerable amount of health because it wasn’t meant to be capable of that it only did it out of betrayal because it thought you were on the illagers side but no you were just using him for your own personal gain

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    Registered User commented
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    use this command /summon pillager ~ ~ ~ {}