I think that fossils are an underappreciated feature of the game. Many people do not even know they exist! I was thinking that it would be amazing if there was a cave biome that only generates under the frozen ocean biome (possibly less rarely if the frozen ocean borders a beach)! In this biome there would be huge chunks of ice with fossils suspended in them! I think this biome should be really pretty- there should be natural lights, possibly a type of crystal, that generate here. It should also be possible to see the fossils through the ice- maybe it should be a special type of glowing ice or have light sources suspended throughout. The caves in this biome should be be expansive and have deep, wide chambers, so you can really get a good perspective of the huge fossils in the ice chunks. I think the ice chunks should be a hotspot for mobs to spawn- strays, and perhaps a new type of "mite" like silverfish or endermites as well. You should have to dig into the ice and break a special block inside the fossils to get them to stop being as agressive. There could be a special drop for that block too.
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