The feedback website does not appear to give the option to view a list of things I have voted for. This seems like a rather important feature that is missing. The only way to do this now is to follow each post you vote on, which does not seem right to me. In my eyes, the difference between voting for something and following something is when you vote for an idea, you agree with and support it, and when you follow something, you are part of the discussion. This distinction already exists on the website, but the problem I mention here is when you vote for things and don't follow them, you have no way to know what things you have voted for, without looking through each and every post on the entire website, which is not feasible.
The one thing which I am suggesting in this post is the addition of a page that would allow a user to view every post or comment or thing they have voted for on this site.
If this were added, the user would consequentially be able to keep tabs on those things they support without having to follow them, which would entail receiving emails about every single update to every single thing they have voted for.
Another consequence of adding this would be the user may realize they've accidentally voted for something they didn't mean to, or they have voted for something which they once supported, but have now changed their mind and do not support anymore. Upon this realization, the user could find the post, and remove their vote.
Ideally, the user could change sort order on this page - see:
A related topic about a different issue is the following:
That post is asking for a feature added on to the category page which would let you know, for all results in the current page of the category that you are viewing, which items you have cast a vote for, and which ones you have not. Even if that feature is implemented, you would still have to visit every page in every category to compile a complete list of all things you have voted for!
This post is asking for a new page to be added, not filtered by category or anything else, except the fact that you have cast a vote for it. This new page would not require a "Voted!" indicator, because the very presence of each item on the page indicates you have voted for it already.
Edit - add sort order link
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