Remove Offine Players in scoreboard ranking or display Player's gamertag when he is offline.
Hello, Mojang and Microsoft
I have a interesting suggestion for /scoreboard users to improve ranking list, because I found that on a scoreboard ranking, when a player is offline, the Player's gamertag is masked and replaced by a "Offline Player" (depending of the language) and I think it is "ugly" because we have a lot of "Offline Players" in the ranking and we have NO IDEA who it can be.
I purpose you 2 solutions : Remove Offline Players from /scoreboard rankings or display offline players WITH their gamertag, to know who it is, and in this second choice, there could be an indication to know if offine players are offline simply, for example with a light red text or a semi-transparent text on the Player's gamertag. We can implement this functionnality on list rankings (pause menu) and sidebar rankings.
Here is my idea, according to me, it would be better for the most of /scoreboard rankings.
Sorry for my bad english because i'm French/
Sincerely, a Minecraft Bedrock Player
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