Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).


Beacons effects to limit hostile mob spawns


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  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    This is what i have been thinking for a very long time!
    The game has no way to solve this issue apart from the spammed lights and building on rare and ugly mushroom biomes!

    Everyone should definitely up vote this, thank you :)

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed.  If I've gone deep enough in the game that I have a beacon, issues of actually keeping mobs from spawning are moot.  I can make as many torches as I need at that point, it's only a question of ruining the look of the build.

    Perhaps the two levels should be to prevent mob spawn, and to prevent them from wandering in from outside the area.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I was about to suggest this but then I saw your post, hope this gets upvoted.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I thoroughly agree! As one of thousands who loves being creative in survival, I already have to give up every third night to prevent phantoms from spawning, and the nights I do get to stay up are not all that enjoyable. Having to put fencing up all around an area to keep mobs out is understandable, and if they manage to find a way in, OK, it's on me. I'll clean up the mess. But to have to lose out on all that the night has to offer to prevent hostile mobs from spawning should be addressed. I have had to put light sources everywhere in my towns and outlying areas. Some sea lanterns, some glowstone, a bunch of torches, so yeah, there's variety, but there's no night!

    Can I enjoy a moment of contemplation as I watch the soft glow of the moonlight reflect over a river, without having to hear growling over my shoulder? Can I climb to the top of the bluffs and watch the sky gradually brighten as the sun rises over the ocean without that all-to-familiar, and annoying, sssss... BOOM! catapulting me into the water below? Can I go for an evening walk through the trails between neighboring towns, my path only dimly lit from distantly spaced lanterns as I weave my way through a modest forest, then enjoy the magnificence of the contrast of stepping out of the darkness toward a blazingly lit quartz palace that almost touches the clouds, without skeletons' arrows rocketing past me?

    Can I? Can I enjoy the night by letting my imagination run wild as I fully explore and relax under the stars, in a place my imagination sees, or in a place I have seen in real life years ago, and hope to recreate in my realm?

    So much has been implemented to assist creativity in survival but the night has yet to reach half of what it can become. It's not just a time for when the drowned emerge from the water craving battle. It's not just a place where specters from our nightmares become a reality and force us to keep sharp blades at the ready. There have been many videos posted of all the day has to offer, from beaches with colorful umbrellas made from beds to town market squares decorated with pastel-colored wool overhead like streamers. Yet our castle's secret back room corridors and underground dungeons can't be as foreboding as in the movies, there's no persistent, spooky silence where only the echoes of our own footsteps can be heard in barely-lit cobblestone tunnels, and the vast arctic doesn't feel any more desolate and hopeless under a new moon than it does in full sunlight.

    Please consider Tim's idea of allowing a device like beacons to be crafted, movable, and usable in survival to prevent hostile mobs from spawning within defined areas. Let the night and darkness evolve into just as potent of a canvas as the daytime.


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! I hate that you have to spam torches to secure your base, this way there's actually an incentive to get the beacon (don't care much for the other effects).

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I generally want survival to be harder, but I completely support this. At some point, the player deserves to have a base they can hang out about safely.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Beacons need this ability. We need the ability to prevent phantom spawns automatically without having to obstruct the sky with glass, lights, or other blocks. Beacons should also have the ability to prevent passive mob spawns within their radius so that you can prevent animals from spawning in your yard without covering the grass.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This makes so much sense, not just from a gameplay perspective, but from a "physics" perspective as well. Hostile mobs are afraid of light sources, and a beacon beam would realistically be the brightest light source in the game, being visible from so far away.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    A beacon is a block that projects a light beam skyward, and can provide status effects such as Speed, Jump Boost, Haste, Regeneration, Resistance, or Strength to nearby players and there all nearly useless by the time you kill a wither to make one .. I've play survival for years and only used haste like 2 times cuz I've had max gear and tools by the time I get one .. so I think this idea is the best I've seen so far, plzz add this in.... ..no more iron golems trying to kill monsters under ground and getting stuck .. no more toruch spamming.. no more creepers spawning in my sheep pen (HOW DO THEY GET IN THERE lol ) ... beacon that is end game useable .. this is an amazing thing to add .. along with some other new beacon effects possible...I would run to get a beacon for the frist time in years ;) if this was in game ...ps if you add this you will get unlimited luck and love ;) ..

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft really needs this! An excellent solution to the mob proofing problem in end game.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I want this but it does have to affect entire chunks around the beacon

    Maybe 8 or 16 radius around the beacon, it could be an unique effect of netherite since it's so expensive to begin with.

    It should definitely work in ALL dimensions!

    Feeding a netherite ingot to the beacon could unlock this

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I love this idea, however I think an entirely new block/item should be added to the game for this purpose. It should be something you have to craft and probably require a block of netherite along with other items that are difficult/time consuming to obtain. It should also cover a vast area e.g. a radius of 50-100 blocks I'd prefer something that doesn't beam light into the sky if possible although I have no problem with it emitting light of some kind. I think it would be especially cool if it was animated similar to the conduit!!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Yes, some way to prevent hostile spawns aside from putting torches everywhere is greatly needed.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Could even be with connected 4 beacons in a square together and everything inside of that square would be mob-spawn-proof

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Uh, guys …

    I'm as in-favour of other ways of preventing spawning but beacons are disruptive lighting in their own right. Sure, a lot of builds it'll be fine, but a lot of builds it won't be. 

    As far as it needing to be an end-game item… no? If it has the same area of effect as a torch it may as well be same difficulty to achieve as a torch – say a stick and an iron to build a "ward", that's all. Torches already prevent mob spawning – that's not an "end game" thing. We just need a way to do that without light, and that doesn't have to be hard to achieve?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I like this. I think the beacon should require at least a block of netherite in the pyramid for this effect to work. The effect should be applied to the regular, level dependent beacon area of effect.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I was going to make a post suggesting my take on the same idea, but as soon as I typed in the title it suggeted I just vote for this one instead... so I'll vote for this and leave a summary of my idea in quotes below.

    With the world getting bigger in 1.17, making effective mob farms or making sure your builds won't get swarmed with hostile mobs becomes just that slight bit more difficult.

    There are two ways to deal with this currently, either cover the area in light source blocks like torches or sea lanturns, or cover the area in blocks that mobs can't spawn on like redstone or bottom half slabs. Both of these methods have the same problem though, torch spam or overuse of blocks like carpets can be (for lack of a better word) ugly, not fitting in with the surrounding enviroment or a possable esstetic that the player may want to construct.

    I believe beacons should be able to prevent mobs hostile to the player from spawning in their effected area. I'm not saying that you should be able to place down nine iron block, a beacon and spend an iron ingot to achivie this. I think the best way to balance this would be to have it as a level 4 beacon effect, so the player must choose between a level 2 effect, Regeneration 1, or hostile mobs not spawning in the area.

    I don't think this would be particulary overpowered as the player would be giving up a level 2 effect or Regeneration 1 for this effect, and a beacon still requiers a nether star from beating the wither.