As announced at Minecon, biomes will be receiving updates individually now, which I think is pretty neat. One biome that is in serious need of an update is the roofed forests. They are so densely packed and so boring. Let’s be honest, unless there is a mansion in immediate sight, we all just walk around these things. Here’s how we could fix that.
1: Ambience!
Less trees man! We can barely move around!
I know that with less trees it won’t be very “roofed” which is why there will be less regular trees, ALONG WITH huge dark oak trees, about 3 or 4 times the size of the normal ones, that way the sky is still blocked out from ground level but it’s a bit easier to get around. It will also help blend in the mansions which stick out like sore thumbs at the moment.
2: Adventure!
A big part of the roofed forest that makes it special to me, is that sense of being lost and not knowing what could be lurking around any corner. That spice of the unknown.
You shouldn’t be able to see into or out of the forest very well. Light should not be able to pass through dark oak leaves, so the forests spawn lots of mobs. Also little structures would be nice. Like a lake full of lily pads and piranha guarding a treasure at the bottom. also See the post about illusioner tree houses, I found it to be very interesting. Now with all these dangers you might be thinking... Why the heck would I want to go in there now?! Because of the...
3: Treasure!
There should be high reward for entering a roofed forest, stuff that can only be found in the biome giving you more reason to go inside. you can do whatever you like but here’s what i came up with...
Illusioner Robes: The illusioner will drop its robes for you to wear in your chest slot. Not only will it be extremely stylish, it will also occasionally confuse mobs when they hit you. They might walk the wrong way, slow down, or even attack each other. Also a nice perk would be making mobs line of sight shorter at all times.
Piranha: can be picked up in buckets, cooked for a meal that also gives strength, and have tons of prank potential.
Various Plants: A true forest should be very overgrown, with plants like...
Some kind of lime flower: come on now mojang we need a green or lime flower!
Creep Vines: vines that grow rapidly and invasively, slowing down the player and mobs, removing natural regeneration when nearby(possibly with a new effect), destroying other plants, and the likes. Good thing they can only grow about 20 blocks or so until they stop.
Glowbulbs: Pretty glowing flowers that emit colored light and when in full bloom deter hostile mobs (full bloom happens on full moons)
Bushes: With all this danger you need a place to hide don’t you? Bushes are huge plants, typically about 3x2x3 with slight size variations, and mobs will lose sight of you as soon as you walk into a bush. So will other players as it will make your username invisible! :0
Tangle Weeds: nearly identical to berry bushes properties of slowing and damaging the player, except fully grown tangle weeds will be able to grow another tangle weed 1 block nearby. The cycle continues. They hate light and will only spread to areas of dim light (like mushrooms!) Also can be harvested and mixed with bonemeal to make fertilizer which can make grass instantly spread 1 block and nurture farmland! Nurtured farmland will never turn back to dirt, even if jumped on. And crops planted will grow twice as fast on it!
I had so many more ideas but didn’t want to write a book so we’ll leave it here.
Please vote so we can get this added y’all!
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