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Foreseable Weather


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    Registered User commented
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    I have, too, was such a thought) Luck in its execution!

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    Registered User commented
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    I love it. Amazing! But the prediction of weather and the rhymes are so ominous for weather that doesn't live up to the expectations. How about, ratings 5-6 become dangerous. The player will be tossed about by winds in 4-6. Higher mobspawn in 3-6. Ground gets covered in very small layer of water in 4-5. Storm surge in 6. Player takes damage from conditions in 5-6. Damage to your house and environment would occur in 6.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    what about a storm siren? a block that makes a noisy beeping sound 20 seconds before a rain or thunder storm occurs


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    Registered User commented
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    I just recently made a post about a possible weather radar/forecaster item being implemented as a Craftable item using the clock as a crafting material

    I'm not asking for a bunch of new weather just a way to predict what the weather could be so players can be like oh hey.! We might be able to use that channeling trident today.!
    Also being able to predict the weather would allow for some very unique build ideas and mob farms

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    Registered User commented
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    I agree with this, even something like a copper barometer crafted with a similar recipe as a clock or compass would be great! This could help give copper even more purpose amongst materials that seem far more valuable/important, and play into the weather theme it has going. Also, I feel as if the game is lacking some form of weather prediction that could help with riptide tridents or charged creepers.