Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


(Java Parity) Nether should use the full 256 world height.


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  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    If I can get myself up there then I deserve to be able to build something! Lol

  • 42
    Registered User commented
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    The nether roof needs to be raised to 256, the build height limit. This isn't just needed as something that would make gameplay better, like making bigger and better caverns, dungeons and mobs, it's actually HARMFUL to allow the nether roof to exist under the building limit.

    Now let me make it clear, I'm happy with the roofs FORM as is, a thin layer of bedrock. Making it thicker wouldn't hurt, but that's not my concern. The big empty space existing over the roof, where you can build whatever you want to needs removal.

    It was never designed like this, the nether was always supposed to reach up to the limit, it was never fixed when the build height was increased from 128.

    It's a genuine travel exploit that has no excuse to exist. 1 block in the nether is worth 8 blocks in the overworld, so traveling through the nether can be used as a shortcut. I think that's totally reasonable, because the danger of being in the nether is the exchange. If you're allowed to just get up onto the roof with 0 effort, and make a portal to your destination, that exchange loses balance, and the player is free to use what is effectively a speed hack while holding W.

    With the nether roof raised, players can actually play the game in order to achieve their travel perk, by making a highway through the caverns and new biomes, or risking elytra flying over lava and dodging ghasts. Doesn't that sound more fun that glitching your way onto a flat plain and pressing forward?

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    No that would break previous worlds


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    The end needs a roof 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    The overworld needs a roof

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    Just tried the latest snapshot. I'm surprised that with the Nether Update there's still a bedrock layer at 128, I would have for sure expected it to be up at a new 255 limit. This needs to happen.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    You could do some cool stuff with the new 3d biomes and more play space. Like, imagine if certain types of challenges and biomes were at the floor, others were right below the roof, and the was like 1 or 2 fun biomes in between. Things could get fun!

  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    With the new nether update snapshots dropping I feel like this really needs to be higher on peoples priority lists. Mojang made the effort to have the biomes generate with unique height yet this is exclusive to a dimension with half the height of the overworld? I think using the overworlds build limit (256) would better highlight these height based biomes, and really make the nether feel like some huge cavernous expansion. I have always seen the 128 bedrock level of the nether as more of an artefact of the old build hight and not just a feature. Now I have played around with a few mods that make the nether a true 256 height, and oh boy is it laggy! so if performance is improving substantially with 1.16 I think even the world generation time would not be much of an issue.

    Also, a note because this would break worlds, new chunks would generate and leave this kind of cutaway section where new terrain opens up onto the old nether roof. This kind of issue has really always been an issue for old worlds where new biomes or world gen made fur cross-section world gen and really does not harm the game. Technically you could "repair" an old-world nether by using the same seeds higher terrain and copying it above the bedrock of the older world using structure blocks if it really bugged you that much.

    And another note since yes, travel above bedrock would still be a major exploit that simply raising the nether does not fix. Why not just add void damage above nether bedrock? Some servers already have plugins to stop people from using it as a free travel method so I think void damage above bedrock is a no brainer solution to that one.

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Hey Rildmore, and others, I know how we could deal with the old chunks and new chunks having different heights. When the game is updates, it could add a tag to new worlds (saying which version they were made on), and if those worlds are loaded, they get a "1.16 loaded" tag if they do not have it already. Worlds getting the "newly loaded" tag will immediately give all current chunks a "pre1.16 " tag. When NEW chunks are made, a bedrock wall will be placed on the top half (128 to 256) or horizontal edges of it that are adjacent to chunks with the "pre1.16" tag. This blocks off old Nether roofs.

    Also, in chunks with the "pre1.16 " tag, player will get void damage at y 128 and above. While, in new chunks, players will get void damage at y 256 and above.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    No This is stupid, clearly its not intended in fact thats why They patch the cheaters and exploits that try and get on top of the nether in the java edition.

    Its by design.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Stop trying to force the devs to change there own game design.

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I disagree with removing the nether roof as it provides a unique and useful environment, especially for the technical minecraft community. If we disable portals above it then exploiting it for easy travel is fixed. I think it should be made to look like an intended feature by adding slight terrain variation, fix the bugs allowing you to glitch into it, and add a late-game-only method of accessing it. Once you're in the very late-game stage you deserve a wide open space to experiment in.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I think it should be 256 blocks high but only in Amplified worlds and custom worlds.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I would think that exploration and general nether living would be somewhat more challenging, which is what we need!

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    My thoughts - The upper area of the nether is a nice feature. I like the idea of changing it a tiny bit. 
    I would remove the bedrock and give it some terrain variation. (perhaps replace the bedrock with obsidian. 
    Above that would be the "surface" of the nether. it would be fairly baren with rivers of lava the lava rivers being allowed to cut through the obsidian layer. Firestorms that happen periodically that damage those caught in them (implemented like how rain hurts endermen). 

    Essentially break the current nether and its empty upper area into two different kinds of zones. The under layer that is as it currently is and fairly safe. And the upper layer that is far more dangerous. Keep it fairly wide open for ease of travel but make its difficulty come from odd crags that drop into the nether, ghasts that have stronger blasts, all the things that make the nether dangerous just magnified. 

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Nah, I like building on top of the nether

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I just want a safe nether hub like in Java

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I think they should make the bedrock layer to 255, still having the emptiness of the java nether top, but with some netherack pillars and interesting biome and terrain generation, this still allows some Java edition pigmen farms to be built yet still won't lag some phones and pc's too much, as the nether void (not literally the void, it's just the biome name I thought about) is mostly empty space, you still can't fly too fast in the biome since the pillars would be common (1/`~50x50) , still allows big builds, doesn't allow light speed travel. Hope it's a good idea :) (jadewolf had the same idea, just read it sorry)

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    We need more people voting for this, Then we can finally build mansions on the nether’s bedrock roof!

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Is there an addon for this?

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Java Players get to make mega gold farms while bedrock players only get up there and have to die because there's no way to break bedrock or actually build something. At least a nether portal would be good. I hope I get listened to because this is unacceptable.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    No, a 256 tall Nether would cause a lot of Java players to not be able to play in the Nether. Do you know how laggy it would be?

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    The nether roof is basically a full feature of java edition now, with the addition of nether portals properly linking to the nether roof, when built up there. This shows that mojang knows players build up there, and its making life a little bit easier on them. The nether roof needs to come to bedrock edition!:)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Height limit must be 255 instead of 128 in the nether in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    yes mojang please add this
    this is for so long is the java version of the game for a long time

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I think we bedrock player should be able too build above bedrock like we can play less than java edition but like there are a ton of features in minecraft java that should be in bedrock but this feature should be in bedrock cause it will allow us to make so many new farm

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Please update nether night limit 256 for bedrock editon

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    How is this still not a thing? In 1.18 we now have 384 vertical blocks limit in the overword but only 128 in the nether??

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    tanbien para BEDROCK

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Just a quick note, if you are a Minecrafter modder then I beg you to add this. I feel like the Nether and End should not only have a 256-block tall height, but with that just integrating the 1.18 generation into the other dimensions. I think the actual Nether should be 256 blocks tall with included revamped generation, and the Nether Roof still stays the same so everyone can keep their Nether farms, with the dimension height going from y319 to y-64. Same with the End dimension though, because not only the dimension itself is barren, it also is a flat landscape with nothing that special about it. If Mojang doesn't add this in, maybe someone could make a data pack or mod about this idea, but this has bothered me for a while.