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Bedrock Flying (Creative Mode)


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  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Yes! I really don't like the flying in bedrock, and on top of that i feel that the sprinting and opening inventory is clunky, why is there input lag when opening your inventory and why does sprinting just stop sometimes and stop and go and etc. but its mostly the very stiff flying in creative on bedrock. Some people say they prefer the stiff flying without momentum from bedrock but i much prefer having that bit of momentum that java already has

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    there should be an option to toggle momentum on and off 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    How about /SimpleFly @p [bool] (Def: True) and /SimpleFly @p Snap [MoveDegrees] (Def: 45, Choices: 15, 30, 45, or 90) that way, if someone want to make a big, perfect circle, they can.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I agree. Flying on bedrock using a console doesn't exactly feel right.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Yes please, being a player who has played on Java edition for years now, it's hard to get used to the non drifty flying of Bedrock. It'd be nice for some option to enable that kind of flying in the controls or something.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I hope they change this. I host servers for friends and am constantly in creative, its very annoying to not have the drift in flying.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I’m noticing some contradiction here. A lot of people are saying that drifty feeling went away with the Bedrock update, but on PS4, that drifty mechanic was added with Bedrock. I can no longer fly in a perfectly straight line which makes it very difficult for me to build, especially since I’m working on a city build and everything is squared off. Ive been working on this build for over 5 years now and would hate to just throw it away because the control mechanics are making it nearly impossible to continue.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    @Cory Smart: You’re talking about a different “drifting” effect. You actually -are- moving in a straight line in PS4 bedrock, straight along the x/y/z axis. It just looks like you aren’t because you’re turning your camera in the direction you want to move up and down, which is how the PS4 flying used to work.. now you have to press R3 and X instead (to move in a straight line along that axis).

    The other people are talking about the “drift” of momentum.

    Also, I agree the bedrock flying controls are horrible and they should have been changed to match the old PS4 controls before pushing out this update.

    My kids refuse to play bedrock because they can’t control the flying (they want to use the camera to go up/down like what you are referring to.. which had a much better feel to it). I hate the flying because it’s too slow.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I agree with having an option to turn off flying drift. I thought that this would still be a good feature to add for many people, sorry for commenting on an old post. The option would be to turn on and off the "drifting" in Creative Mode.

    It's where momentum continues to carry the player forward when they have stopped pushing on the analog stick or pressing W. It happens while flying and feels like we're on ice.

    I'm used to the old PS3 Creative Mode, where if you stop pressing the button to move, your player stops instantly. It makes the movement in creative mode a lot easier. I've also heard that some people get motion sickness from the drifty, icy movement.

    It would be the best to add an option instead of making the game use one way of flying or the other, I think. That way if you like the original flying, then you could leave it on.


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Flying like java in bedrock

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I'm so sick of the bedrock flying that I'm considering either going back to minecraft xbox 360 edition or quitting minecraft altogether  

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I really miss the flying on the old PS4 version. I'm still playing the old version because of this. It's sad because i really want to play Bedrock version, but i can't handle the drifty controls.