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Lumberjack Villager


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  • 17
    Registered User commented
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    On one hand, this would be very convenient.  But that's also a problem because one of the biggest reasons to explore is to gather resources that are only available in other biomes, and one of the biggest of those is saplings of different trees.

    Maybe the lumberjack buys saplings and sells wood.  It would make sense for the type, and it would mean that you can't get the saplings without exploring.  But if you really want, you can spend emeralds to get wood.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    buys wood and sells saplings. That awesome. I hate having to venture through biome after biome just to find a single tree. That aspect of exploration exists, but it’s more of an inconvenience, great idea.

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    The Lumberjack has a new block for its work-site, a sawmill, like a stone cutter but for wood. He could trade you obvious things like apples, different wood types, saplings, petrified oak slabs, leaves and sticks but also things like berries, rabbit fur, string, boats, doors, cocoa beans and possibly even enchanted books for axes. To make a villager like this more "tradeable" (have stuff people actually want to buy) there could be Patterned Wood which could be exclusive to the villager. Patterned Wood would be like the Chiseled Stone/Sandstone/Quartz varieties but with unique patterns for each type of wood. As for the look of the lumberjack, he/she would have an iron axe (or two) strapped to their back and have a checkered red and black robe and a beanie like hat on their head. 

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    Adding to this, Sawmill job site block is absolutely necessary.
    - More efficient wood slabs and stairs (no wood wasted!)
    - Could allow for stripping of logs in the Sawmill
    - Could allow for half log slabs
    - Saw logs into planks at Sawmill
    - Make Doors/Trapdoors one at a time at a Sawmill
    - Make Fences/Fence Gates at a Sawmill
    In my opinion, to make the trades valuable:
    - Buys random Saplings at different levels (ooh, exotic trees!), at 1 Emerald per 16 or so (depending on the tree)
    - Sells random Logs in stacks of 4, at 1 Emerald each (might seem expensive but the 32 stick trade of the Fletcher is essentially the same value, could change based on the type of wood though)
    - Sells Apples
    - Master Lumberjacks can petrify a random type of log for 8 logs and an emerald to make it no longer flammable, at which point the Sawmill can make it into the other components

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    the sawmill is the stonecutter for wood. it could even make planks.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    16 logs for an emerald could be a trade

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    FlossyYeti27614 has a point here, as well as nyctodarkmatter. What they say I applaud, but maybe the Lumberjack could know what biome he is in, and so he would make available more often the wood types characteristic of the said biome. If it is a desert village or other that has no wood type then it would be made available oak or birch more often and jungle more scarcely.

    Also, the idea for the Patterned Wood is here, it is called Carved Planks, go vote if you like it:

    Also I believe that it would be awesome if they added log and striped log slabs into the game  as a generated structure around villages to say that they actually do something

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Even if not the villager, a stonecutter equivalent for wood would be very useful, one where you don't have to craft sticks and everything to make fences especially.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Instead of just being able to buy and sell would also being able to have saw table, like the grindstone but instead it's only for wood because making stairs is expensive so The lumberjacks workstation would be like a saw table

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Perhaps the lumberjack's wood trades could vary based on level. Lower level lumberjack trades would trade oak, or whatever log is native to the biome the lumberjack spawned in. Higher level trades could include dark oak or jungle, which are relatively rare.

    They could sell wood blocks, as in the block crafted from for logs.

    They could also sell boats and/or, possibly at level 4 or 5.

    Also. I think lumberjack's should buy saplings, rather than sell them, since then the player wouldn't need the lumberjack anymore.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    It would be great if its block station was a woodcutter, like the stonemason's stone cutter you can use it but for wood

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe the Woodcutter has a byproduct, Sawdust. And you could use sawdust to craft all different wood variants of mulch or woodchips. Also instead of calling it a Lumberjack you could also call him a Carpenter Villager

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    It would be good if you could buy furniture not otherwise craft able such as carved wood statues, solid tables, decorative seats.

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    It could also come with some kind of wood cutting station for wood craftings like stairs similar to the cutting stone. Also being able to strip wood with it in big quantities. It may replace the current method with the axe. For the sapling idea i recommend to get only one random sapling to be avalible at once. In my opinion it's not big of an advantage to have an acacia sapling in a snowy area.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    He should buy raw logs, sticks and sell saplings, stripped logs or other wood blocks.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    That or carpenter

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    I like the ideas here.  I feel the lumberjack should be modeled somewhat after the mason - they could buy saplings and logs of various kinds, but favor the biome they are in to encourage exploration.  In addition, upper level trades should include crimson and warped stems and chorus fruit, to encourage Nether and End exploration as well - say, 8-16 crimson/warped stems for 1 emerald, 20-30 chorus fruit for 1 emerald.  Like the Mason selling Quartz blocks, they could sell 4 crimson/warped stems or 4 purpur blocks for 1 emerald.  A possible trading matrix assuming a plains biome:

    Novice (1 buy and 1 sell)

    Buys 10 Oak saplings for 1 emerald

    Buys 10 Birch saplings for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 Birch Wood for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 Oak Logs for 1 emerald

    Apprentice (random 2): 

    Buys 10 Dark Oak saplings for 1 emerald

    Buys 10 Spruce saplings for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 Spruce Logs for one 1 emerald

    Sells 4 Dark Oak logs for 1 emerald

    Journeyman (random 2):

    Buys 10 jungle saplings for 1 emerald

    Buys 10 acacia saplings for 1 emerald

    Buys 24 bamboo for 1 emerald

    Sells 8 scaffolding for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 jungle logs for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 acacia logs for 1 emerald

    Expert (random 2):

    Buys 10 crimson roots for 1 emerald

    Buys 10 warped roots for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 crimson stems for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 warped stems for 1 emerald


    Buys 24 chorus fruit (or popped chorus) for 1 emerald

    Sells 4 purpur blocks for 1 emerald


  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It is very convenient when working for projects that requrte alot of wood, buy wood and sell saplings would be awesome

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Or a carpenter that specifically sells different wood items

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Seems like this one won't get much love from the staff any time soon, but I would still love to have it. Especially since it would probably come with a wood-equivalent of the stonecutter.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    What if they lived in the mountains in a cabin?

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    The trades with the woodcutter would be awesome, but to be honest I'm more excited about using the workstation. Having one plank correspond to one (or more) stairs would be great, the crafting table's recipe is not fair

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Estaría genial, pero claro dependiendo de la rareza de la madera y los brotes de arboles el vendería, por ejemplo a su máxima profesión vende brote de árbol de jungla, en su primera profesión vendería roble o abedul ya que seria una locura que en su primera profesión te vendiera brotes de jungla.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Creo que además de un aldeano leñador debería haber una mesa para el, la cual podría funcionar como la cortadora de piedras solo que con esta se podría cortar la madera

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I love this idea! I think it'd be really cool if the lumberjack didnt live in villages but instead lived in a cabin only found in forest biomes (a biome that doesnt have other buildings?) kinda like a witch hut!

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    Would probably be called a "Woodsman" by Mojang, as lumberjack is not as sophisticated sounding, and Mojang likes giving mobs sophisticated names.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I think this would be a great idea, if you could trade with a Lumberjack Villager for wood logs/planks/saplings.  Especially considering that when I build a structure, it's typically very wood-dense, causing me to cut down half a forest to have enough wood for the build. Not to mention, gathering stacks of wood is time-consuming relative to gathering some other basic resources because you have to cut each individual block of wood and there's no way to insta-mine wood. A sawmill would be great too, allowing us to cut trapdoors without wasting so much wood. The ratio between wood logs used to the number of trapdoors crafted is 3:4, which doesn't make sense considering the ratio between wood logs used to the number of slabs crafted is 3:24.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I am impressed with this idea. That villager would need a beard by default, though. :)

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    adding on that idea, the profession table could be a carpentry table, similar to the stonecutter but for making wood slabs, stairs and wood blocks

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    It would be neat if lumberjack villager would have a special axe once they are a master that cuts down the single block trees in one or three swipes. So it all 'collapses' into all the blocks. Also buying wood in a pinch would be nice...sometimes it is just boring to go cut down trees.