Minecraft has a lot of blocks, but what if they had more? Why do we need them? Please don't just add lists of things - these will be marked as spam and removed! Also, no furniture, guns, or vertical/"sideways"/"upright"/"standing" slabs (yes, we see you).


Larger Boats (was: Update Aquatic Related Items (Edited))

under review


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  • Official comment
    Registered User commented
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    Just FYI, guns are still rejected, but the rest of the idea has enough merit to leave the discussion up.

  • 114
    Registered User commented
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    Each stage of boat could require 8 of the previous stage boats plus a sail in the middle on the standard crafting table, and only be placeable in the appropriate depth water for the boat.

  • 68
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    I don’t know how they’d be crafted, but I agree that maybe sails could be craftable with wool and planks. Also I think it would be cool if cannons would be added as a separate items that could be crafted and placed on the ground to fire. Maybe in a 4 by 4 ship-specific crafting table, there could be sails, cannons, wooden planks, and maybe like a chest to craft a ship. I also feel like the row boat should be slowed down because it moves so dang quick for just rows. Also I’d really like to see the ability to stand on the ship and walk around on it without falling into the ocean when not mounted to the wheel or cannons. The same thing that was given to the row boats in update aquatic.

  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    I AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE! Seriously, these are great ideas!

  • 67
    Registered User commented
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    So long as they add the ability to add chests to the boats. Not much of a point of having a bigger boat if you can't transport your loot in it. Heck, we should be able to put a chest in the back seat of the boat we have now.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    The boat idea should be left to mods. Having to add so much new stuff for something that won't really be helpful and a waste of an update. The other ideas though are definitely worth it.

  • 50
    Registered User commented
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     I also believe that more advanced boats should be added to Minecraft.  The current boat available to players is rather limited, not to say that it cannot perform the core task of transporting the player over oceans well, but I believe the player should have another tier or other tiers of boats available to them so that more can be accomplished with their ships.  Chests, as mentioned above, for instance, could enable players to transport more resources across the ocean.  With that journeys or treasure hunts could last longer and be more productive.  Players in the mid-game would not be limited to carrying back one inventory or an inventory and a half (with a mule) of goods.  In addition to chests perhaps larger boats could transport a horse or two other mobs along with you.

     On the matter of propulsion, I think that sails would do nicely.  It is a logical upgrade from oars and does not stray far outside of the "feel" of the game as a motor would.

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    They should at a boat block that you can build off of where all the blocks placed on it are part of the boat

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    I think ships should be obtained like a woodland mansion. Defeating the Hostile mobs on the ship and claiming it as your own, I don't think it should be craftable because it's too big.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    The boat can have three parts that can be crafted alone and mixed together after

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    I don't know if the game mechanics allow it, but it would be awesome to be able to build your own boats/ships.

  • 39
    Registered User commented
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    Creating a larger boat on a crafting table contrasts current game dynamics. I think boats should be constructed in a manner similar to irons golems etc. By placing the helm at the location intended for steering the boat constructed. It could also have a block limit to prevent over-sized boats. Another boat related block could extend this limit for the coolest cruisers around.

    In conjunction with having boats, other vehicles could be added; specifically, end ships that can fly and make end travel significantly faster. Rather than crafting an ender helm, these ships would only be obtainable at end fortresses, but they would no longer be beside end fortresses! Oh No! We lost our ship! No more elytra :(...... Oh wait! What's that off in the distance? Is that.... a bird? no.. It must be a plane then... That looks an awful lot like an end ship.. Well at least it noticed us. What is that? 

    ~Steve was obliterated in a tragic incident with an end ship

    It won't be there next time...

    ~Steve was blown to bits by an end ship

    No, I don't know the exact technicals of what it would shoot or what new mob would sail the seven ender-isles, but there are many possibilities.

    It could be illigers. Given the village and pillage update in development, illigers making a new appearance wouldn't be unexpected. These could be slightly re-themed to gray pirates and also be found in overworld oceans.

    The mob in the boats could also definitely be any new or fantastical creature. I think it should be the mob that is meant to inhabit end fortresses and simply uses skulkers as guards. These mobs could also spawn in some treasure rooms etc.

    It should include a Shulker/Purpur Brick golem which would just be plain awesome to fight.


    In summary, larger vehicles would add a lot to the adventure side of minecraft (why not have a nether lava boat too? Shh.. that's a terrible idea). It would also be cool if mine-carts could float in lava, just for fun.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Yes I agree
    Minecraft already has shipwrecks, so they could base the design on that. But if you are playing in a single player world how are you going to control the whole ship ?

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I think the most logical solution is that the whole ship is controlled at the helm (or ship's steering wheel). Maybe the helm can be mounted and then player's actions control the ship similar to a current Minecraft boat until dismounted.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    What if the ship resembled the Viking long ship, right now a boat can hold 2 people in the ship, if you were to craft on a table three row boats together in a row, and got a long ship out of it. It would steer and act like a boat, except instead of 2 spots you now have 4. Additionally you could have it so that you could put up to a max of 2 single chests on the ship.
    One or two other possible features:
    Gradual speed build up and larger turn rate for the larger ship, it’s bigger so clumsier.
    Ability to access a ships inventory(needed to add chests) and have a special slot for a ship ram. Made of iron or another ore, would be arrow shape, 2block of wood with iron ingots forming the arrow, points to the right, could be equipped to add that level of pvp in a game.

    One last thing, with the experimental crossbows, it would be cool to be able to mount them to the sides of the long ship. It would be something you would have to exit your boat but then standing on top of the boat you can access a crossbow and then use it like if it was in your hand, but only having 180* of turn off the side of the longboat. You can’t be moving to access the crossbow.

  • 25
    Registered User commented
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    I would like a boat with the size of a shipwreck that also can crash and sink, (then the shipwrecks would make sense) Once you place it you can't destroy it (it wouldn't make sense to cary a giant boat in your inventory) you can travel with your friends and place blocks such as chests, beds, enchanting tables and anvils so if you want you can not have a house on land but a traveling ship with your friends. Anyway it should be expensive more than some pieces of wood and wool for the sails. If this is added it could also be cool to add ghost ships (ships full of mob spawners with loot) or a new type of mob, pirates that attack you when you are in the sea or if your house is to close to the ocean. 

  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    I would have to agree with Hyrum Dickson in how these boats would be assembled; similar to an iron golem. The size of the boat in question could depend on the resources, by having a block arrangement for maybe a 3x5 boat (maybe has 2-4 small chests), and also a larger 5x11 boat (has 6-8 small chests).

    Larger boats would be a huge hit on my realm. My friends and I already enjoy just going out on existing boats and explore new maps and hunt for treasure. The larger boats would only add to the enjoyment of this.

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    What about some active merchant and pirate ships that travel by sea... Merchants can trade with costal villages while pirate ships will raid and destroy any merchant ships that could raid and destroy any merchant ship in it's path... 

    "Its all inspired by the Village & Pillage Update that I would like to see"

  • 12
    Registered User commented
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    I feel like a crafting method like golems, as Hyrum Dickson said- you can craft a helm and place it with other blocks to create your own ship. Perhaps the helm would create a bounding box to show you where you could place blocks to create your ship. Then when you right-click on the helm for the first time, it adds all the blocks together to make a ship, gains a hitbox, and becomes flyable/sailable.
    Yeah, I think the helms should be called “end helms” and be crafted out of an eye of ender surrounded by sticks. The lowest level of end helm would allow you to build something the size of a tiny raft- 3x3x4 or so. (The ship extends 2 blocks in front of the helm, to allow for more realistically shaped ships) To get the next level, you craft together four helms of the same level, and 2 blocks are added to the bounding box in every direction. This could get pretty pricey if you want to build huge ships:
    3x3x4- 1 eye of ender
    7x7x8- 4 eyes
    11x11x12- 16 eyes
    15x15x16- 32 eyes
    19x19x20 - 128 eyes
    ...But man would it be worth it in the late game! Also, dragon heads or something could be what grants a ship the ability to fly, instead of just floating on the water. Naturally spawning ships (both flying and non- flying) with enemies on them would also be fun, and could be one of the only cheap ways to obtain larger ships in survival. (Though these wouldn’t have as many chests in them as a player-created ship might have)
    The control scheme for flying ships could be pretty simple, as well. When you right click on the helm, you steer the ship forward, back, left and right just like a boat. Holding jump will cause the ship to rise, while releasing jump will cause it to fly straight for a while and then descend slowly. If you crouch to leave the helm while the ship is flying, it will continue doing whatever it was doing (rising, descending, turning) when you stopped using the controls, and will slow to a stop after about a minute.
    And I think the easiest way to determine a ship’s durability would be to give it a health bar based on what blocks it’s made out of. It would have massive amounts of health, of course, and lose health in most of the normal ways (arrows, swords, tnt), as well as when it runs aground or goes over bubble columns. This could mean that you could sink a ship with a few well aimed shots of a tnt cannon on shore.

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    They could be construcatable  and you can walk on them. This would allow for customisation and steering at a wheel would be cool.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Maybe in 1.15. There are lots of stuff!


  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Totally Down for Bigger Boats! Maybe not crafting them though, but you could just build something in water and place like a steering wheel block and it would turn into a functioning ship!

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    the boat idea sounds way too much like a mod, and ALL guns (specifically cannons and flintlocks/blunderbusses) have already been refused, but I like this idea. a way to actually build/transport stuff across the water. slime block machines are fine but are super finicky. I think that having a "raft" type thing, where you have 3 slots to place 3 specific blocks (like chests, furnaces, basically just enough room to make an effective item mover/ fishing ship) would make this invaluable in water, and make adventuring much more fun. actually trying to navigate around land masses so you don't have to abandon your craft, or finding sea routes to move items in chests from place to place faster than just having a person with a full inventory in a boat.

    and the place where this boat would really shine would be in moving mobs. moving horses or a pack of dogs is near impossible in this game, you have to either get frost walker, build a bridge, or move your dogs one by one. this raft would make transportation of your companion animals reasonably possible

    they would have to be "built" and not be placed in your inventory however, because it's such a huge thing that like putting a horse in your inventory.

    also, the idea of the coconuts/bananas/tropical fruits are great, I love that, but these would better fit in a separate post, and the large crafting table i think goes too far.

    just place a boat and surround it by 8 logs (not planks, planks are a tad too cheap) and then sail off. breaking the boat in the center will break the whole boat, and not give you your logs back. the idea is you're penalized for breaking these too often, they should be legacy tools.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    They could add in a new block used like the crafting table specifically for making ships

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I would love a boat that can have multiple people on it at real time. They should also add hot air balloons.

    Flintlocks should be a given!

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    Could we make them completely customizable with houses on top or turn them into a literal ship of our dreams, limited not by crafting but by imagination?

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I do not think this is valid because than we would need bigger everything and at somepoing to get submarines or airplanes becuase minecraft becomes to mechanical

  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    By using better shovels you should get better boats. 3 gold shovels give you speed boat.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    I don't agree with the firearms, but I agree with the boats and fruits, as well as cannons.


  • 4
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    It would work just like a boat, but it would be like in Archimedes Ships mod where you have a main block which lets you move every other block attached to it, and it would make sense of the shipwrecks, maybe add default ships that work just like a boat but required tons more of wood?


    And they could add pirates... but just imagine the things people would build!


    *I know it sounds a little OP but they could add a block limit where if you add a certain number of blocks, you have to add another controller block (but you can only control the ship from the first one).


    You'd have to ration and administrate your supplies and food to survive, which would make the game a bit harder.

    But wind doesn't exist in Minecraft so how would you move em realistically?