- Hovering over an item and tapping 0-9 moves the item to that hotbar slot
- Middle clicking an item in creative clones the item
- Shift + double click to move all of the same item type across containers
- "X" slot in creative inventory to delete items, shift + clicking it clears inventory
- In creative inventory, typing should automatically start typing in the search box (especially when I just clicked the search icon or pressed T to bring up the search bar)
- F to swap item between mainhand/offhand
- X + 0-9 to load hotbar
- C + 0-9 to save hotbar
- Ctrl + arrow keys to move cursor over whole words at once (MCPE-28492)
- Ctrl + backspace to delete whole words at once
- Ctrl + X to cut text
- Show what text is selected (e.g: highlight in blue)
Function buttons:
- F2 to take a screenshot (and display clickable link)
- F3 to open debug info
- F3 + A to reload chunks
- F3 + T to reload edited packs
- F3 + P to toggle auto-pause
- F3 + H to toggle default item descriptions (IDs, damage values)
- F3 + C to copy coordinates to chat
- F3 + B to show hitboxes
- F3 + D to clear chat
- F3 + N to toggle between creative and spectator (when spectator is added)
- F3 + G to show chunk boundaries
- F11 to toggle fullscreen
Main menus:
- Shift + arrow keys to reorganize servers
I've listed the mouse/keyboard combos that Java uses, but many of these shortcuts could also be implemented for touch/controllers. E.G: Long-press an item in creative to clone it, or double-tap on the X slot to clear inventory,
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