We welcome feedback about menus, toggles on menus, buttons on menus, input devices (like touch controls and keyboards), and Minecraft’s interface. How do you play? What would make it better?


Let’s talk about the new Bedrock Edition Play screen!



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  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    I think your can try to change the rendering dragon to optional installation. Everyone had a good time at

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Please fix the performance of this Screen and other screens to were updated to OreUI. Every time the game tries to load an OreUI menu, it lags (as demonstrated by the panorama frequently freezing). In addition the text rendering is simply awful. At lower resolutions text gets very blurry. JSON UI never suffered from any of these issues. My feedback to the team is for them to please work on improving performance (MCPE-180677) and text rendering (MCPE-180676) of all OreUI menus before even attempting to change any in-game UI.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    hola minecraft

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This new play screen UI is not very controller-friendly. Can a unique play screen for console players please be introduced?

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    1. On console, trying to directly enter a world (form the new world selection menu) which has multiplayer enabled in the options just doesn't let you unless you pay for Xbox Live/PS+/etc. You aren't trying to play MP, just play on your world created with the settings which are enabled by default. 
    2. The menu still lacks any sort of resource pack support. That's fine for a feature in preview, but the old JSON UI had full resource pack support allowing layout changes, so a feature put in the release version of the game should be a finished feature with equal or greater functionality to what it replaces. As it is, it feels unfinished.
    3. The "realms" tab taking the place of the "friends" tab is bad for encouraging multiplayer since it takes attention away from it. No reason it couldn't be 4 tabs instead of 3 tabs and then 1 button off in the corner.


  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Додайте кнопку експорт в налаштування світу для мобільних версій гри, щоб перенести світи на новий пристрій