Mojang should add multiblock structures, similar to beacons or conduits, which change the biome within a certain radius. The core block should be expensive-- something roughly as difficult to acquire as a beacon.
They should consist of a core block plus an arrangement of a certain block which determines the biome. They should be limited to a small list of particularly useful biomes. My specific biome suggestions are below, with justifications of why I think players might use them.
Warm Ocean, constructed with living coral (therefore underwater). Makes the water color much prettier and allows for tropical fish spawning.
Snowy Plains, constructed with blue ice. Makes strays and polar bears spawn, turns rain into snow, prevents ice from melting, and causes water to freeze.
Jungle, constructed with mossy cobble. Makes the grass a much more vibrant green and allows for panda/parrot/ocelot spawning.
Mangrove Swamp, constructed with Mangrove Wood. Makes frogs, slimes, and boggeds spawn. Could be swapped for normal swamp, which loses the Frogs but adds blue orchids, and replaces the teal water with gray water; I don't think both are needed.
Desert, constructed with cut sandstone. Stops precipitation, causes Husks to spawn. Would pair very well with the suggestion that Husks should drop sand, thereby making it renewable from anywhere.
Pale Garden, constructed with Resin Bricks. Allows the player to get that super spooky desaturation wherever they want.
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