Summary: New Tree to replace current one (Green wood color), patches of mud, revamped Witch Hut, more plants
The original swamp biome is a little lackluster in content and should be flushed out more. At the moment, the exact trees in the original swamp biome are not able to be replanted. They are just larger "oak" trees with vines. The sapling dropped is a normal oak sapling that would give a normal oak tree. The swamp tree should be replaced with some sort of real life tree that grows in wetland biomes. My idea is maybe a tree similar to the weeping willow with weeping vines. The wood from the new tree would be the color of perhaps green or greenish white.
I also think patches of mud should spawn in the swamp and the Witch Hut should be revamped. Patches of mud would provide more color variety/materials to the biome, and more choice for the player (Make mud from water bottles or dig it up from swamps). The Witch Hut should also be upgraded. The current structure is very old and outdated. Perhaps it could be made out of the new swamp wood in its design. Some loot would be great too such as potion ingredients, bottles, potions, mushrooms, other.
Finally, cattails, flowering lily pads, moss, and other plant life should be added to the original swamp biome. This change could also be done to the Mangrove Swamp. Cattails and lily pads would help bring more life to the Mangrove Swamp too.
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