Since a long time ago I've noticed that melee mobs, like zombies, wither skeletons, etc., often stop attacking the player for a while after reaching the last position of them, like they stay frozen for like 1 second, thinking about what they're doing with their lives, and then keep following the player. I don't know if it has always been like that on purpose or it's a never fixed bug, but I've never liked it.
The mobs should keep following you constantly at attacking until they lose the visibility or the track range of the player.
Also, when melee mobs go back to attack the player after freezing from the last attack, they suddenly are able to hit you twice at the first attack, like they increase their attack speed, which is not an attribute for mobs.
Those behaviors are inconsistent, makes mobs walk to another directions while attacking you like they're ignoring you, specially mobs with increased speed like baby zombies, piglin brutes... And after the hitbox changes to mobs in 1.20.6, it make them worse.
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