it follows pattern
profession; workstation; examples of trades
additional notes
bee keeper; beehive; honey related items as blocks, bottles, wax, candles, beehives with 1-3 bees in them
with excessive need of wax for all copper blocks, bees got much more importance, bee keeper villager could also feed other villager similarly as farmer does, they could make some honey related food to throw (simialrly as farmers throw bread and now wheat) to not make them produsing free bottles
miner; would need some new station; ores and minerals, buying tools
glass maker; new station, glass kiln; glass related items, panes, collored, bottles, buys sand, red sand
glass kiln would smelt glass faster similarly as, maybe could also produce directly desired products as bottles or panes, or other glass items if those should be ever added
lumberjack/carpenter; new station, wood cutter; wood related items, planks, saplings, leaves, wooden products, axes
wood cutter would work for wood and bamboo or simialr blocks same as stone cutter works for stone materials, making us finally able to get cheaper stairs and crafting wooden items easier overal with it
brave villager; none; none
they would have very rare chance to replace when nitwit is supposed to spawn/be born, those would arm themselves at profession villagers, armorers give them armor, fletchers bows or weaponsmiths swords, they would fight same mobs golems do, dont breed, get better gear when they interact with more skilled traders, clerics heal them
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