Strictly for humanoid and humanoid type mobs feedback and suggestions. Bugs, duplicate ideas, lists of things, and support issues will be deleted.


Villager and Biellager


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    Una de las mejores ideas dadas hasta ahora. Lo único que no me gusta, las variantes de biellagers.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    I'd like to picture that the Biellagers are in a three-way conflict with the Illagers and Villagers, with parties of mobile Biellagers assaulting a Pillager Outpost, vice versa, with the usual Zombie Seiges on the village? Maybe a company of Biellagers can even intercept a Pillager Patrol near the Player and give him or her a chance of escape!


    (P.S. However did you come up with the name Biellagers? The more you know ;) . )