So in 2019 minecraft console edition was replaced by bedrock edition, bedrock and console edition are VERY DIFFERENT, but to keep it short, there was a feature in console edition that allowed players to put ANY ENCHANTMENT on ANY ITEM, only in creative mode. This means that if I wanted to, I could put fire aspect and sharpness on a grass block! This isn't possible in bedrock, these features gave us so much freedom in creative mode! I can't even put mending and infinite on the same bow, I understand why you can't do this in survival, but there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to do this in creative! In sandbox games I wanna be able to do whatever I want no matter how crazy it is, it makes us have more items in the game and make our own Ideas with random items without the devs having to add anything. I'd also like this if the console version of bedrock had more of a console edition feel, like easier access with a controller, just more optimized for controllers, and sound effects in the inventory.
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