since the adventure update, all base mobs are essentially useless due to sprinting, and almost every mob added since has the ability to run or attacks the player in a way that they can't just run (blazes shooting fireballs, silverfish swarming etc etc)
but the base mobs, zombies, spiders, creepers, skeletons now can be easily outran. this is in stark contrast to minecraft beta where they were all practically the same speed
option 1 would be to remove sprinting but I don't think that's gonna happen
so the second option is let zombies and spiders run. they walk slow normally, but when agro'ed they start sprinting which would be only slightly slower than player running speed, just like in beta where zombie walking speed was only slightly slower than the player
this means that technically you can outrun 1 of them on flat terrain, but in a forest, cave, or there's just too many, you can easily get swarmed
this would also help with the fact that there is nothing hard about hard mode, there aren't any noticeable changes, and this would be very noticeable
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