A Decaying Forest would be great since it could tell an unfortunate story of a forest that started decaying after a forest fire or a disease struck the biome. You can gather decaying logs which can be turned into charcoal. The wood shouldn't be a recomended building block since the wood will break faster than regular logs.
You can also gather unhealthy grass which won't grow your crops or plants as easily resulting in your crops taking longer.
Decaying leaves can contain suspicious apples which have a chance of giving you a random negative side effect. They can also drop regular saplings (oak and birch) and will act like normal saplings.
Abandoned villages will be the only type of village that'll spawn in this biome since I'd be weird for a village to live in a biome which cannot be habitable.
This would be nice to add to minecraft since we only have non-decaying biomes and having at least one could look nice
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