i think make povjab launcher part or minecraft and make it a ofiical way to have minecraft java in ios, knowing ios have no problem with this and modding, but yeah ios and consoles cannot have povjab launcher or java edition knowing java have modding and thoose consoles don't allow modding, so i think add minecraft java edition to android with the help of povjav launcher or make it by cero, will help a lot minecraft users, after all the mods of minecraft bedrock are too bad and have a oficial way to have thoose mods in mobile and have the snapshots and april fools snapshots will help a lot to minecraft and isn't too hard, after all this already exist, only need to be implemented by oficial mojang team, but we already can have aprilo fools and the best minecraft modding in android, so please add minecraft java to androrid can be used or not povjav launcher, but people needs java in mobile
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