I hope you read part 1, because if you didn't you will have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. The first biome I'd like to talk about is the Forgotten Forest. It is swarming with Echo Doves (mobs described in part 3!), and the trees glow. Their leaves are gold, and wave with the infinite breeze. They can drop Echo Fruit when broken, and look very cool in the Overworld. Sculklings also spawn here. The trees are 3 times bigger than the trees in the Overworld, and 3 times more beautiful! They make one's heart feel... jiggly! Biome #2 is the White Wood. This forest has trees even thicker than that of the Forgotten Forest, and all the leaves are white from an infinite winter. Horrorlings live here, and the Dragon of Beginnings as well. (part 4!) Ruins also generate often here. The greatest of these is the portal home the dragon guards. Biome #3 is the Cursed Mountain. It is a common occurence, and houses a Cursed Palace. In every palace lies the mini-boss of the Beginning, the Fire Eye. The last biome is the Deeps. it is full of Overworld ores, as well as Echo shard ores. Echo shards can also now be used to make Echo armor. Well, this concludes part two! Remember... Read them all, and vote!
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