The Dragon battle is now dealt with, but we need to change the landscape. Here are some end biome ideas.
- End Wastes-It will have an abundance of dust that will make it very hard to see the surroundings. Also occasional Obsidian Monoliths will be towers, going up, allowing the player to see above the dust.
- Void Isles-An End version of the Mushroom Islands, with no mobs spawning, only Enderfish, a jellyfish mob that attacks the player when aggravated using purple laser beams. It is tameable using a chorus mushroom. It can help the player travel the void. When killed, it will drop Gelatine, an item used to craft End Trap, a block that the player will take damage when walked on.
- Chorus Forrest-A biome overgrowing with chorus plants and a new Chorus Tree, with Chorus Logs and Chorus Planks. It has the same recipes with other wood items, the only difference is this being color purple.
Also new structures will be added in but will cover the other ones in the next part.
- End Ruins-The original barren end city.
- End City-A new city with houses and castles connecting to one another. An end villager(i need a better name pls) that you can trade with like piglins and normal villagers. They can be shulkermen or have characteristics of endermen.
Also in Part 3 i will cover the End Lands, the original end islands.
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