I know this has been posted 100s of times but I'm going to do a much more intricate take on this.
First off, this idea has been accomplished for a while now thanks to a modder by the name of Coros.us, he's basically nailed the idea down with biome dependent weather, however, this can definitely be expanded upon by the coding teams behind Minecraft itself if professionally added to the game.
To understand the basis of this idea we should consider real world patterns, such as temperature, wind and pressures. For a realistic weather pattern system, it must be localized such as what Coros has done; current server wide storms are dumb, look horrendous, and players just skip it whenever it happens. For this to happen biome generation must be done in a pattern that promotes realistic geographical functions, for instance changing the fact that snow biomes can be generated alongside desert biomes. Several modders have made this happen already so a foundation exists there for that to be implemented further.
Wind needs to be a factor as well, mountain biomes need to generate gusts and high wind due to higher altitude which generates more storms as well due to moisture rising with the wind, once again is dependent on biome generation to promote humidity.
Rain, Downpours, Blizzards, Hail, all can be seamlessly integrated. Rain already exists just utilize Coros's foundation. Downpours give the effect of slowness, same with blizzards and snow except they can cause freezing effects.
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