I was thinking that since the Warden only drops sculk catalyst I think that there should be different loot. It is such a hard mob to defeat so the person that defeated it should atleast have a token of the Warden. Such as the Wardens heart, the Warden has a sonic boom attack through its chest, which then could become a weapon when you recieve the heart after its death. The player could use it to attack against other mobs and players, it will lose soul power because the design looks like the Warden has souls trapped in it's chest, meaning it has lost energy so now it is no longer useful until you renew it with soul sand. We could have a Wardens head instead, showing it off to our friends as a token of achievment. Atleast this would make it more rewarding when defeating it, it would be very much like the heads of the other mobs in the game currently. I think one of these features would be brilliant as the sculk catalyst is not that hard to obtain.
I think other players would appreciate any of these ideas. Although the Warden is only an obstical to avoid it, it would be fun to have these ideas in the game.
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