Post your suggestions for new skins, textures and worlds made by creators for availability in the Marketplace. We cannot assist with purchase issues or bugs. We are not likely to implement Minecoins as an earned currency for Mini-games or an achievement.


Let’s talk about Add-Ons! 



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  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    The add-ons idea is amazing to have. It brings out many new things to add to our worlds which is something we all have been waiting for. Personally, I love the implementation on the add-ons. But I would like to be able to earn achievements while having those add-ons.

    The current ones we have don't really help us to get achievements quicker or easily. Maybe make something where the team can inspect some add-ons and decide which ones will enable or disable achievements. Hope this gets added or fixed. But I'm grateful for add-ons. Keep it up.

  • 34
    Registered User commented
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    no one wants to pay for mods, youre ignoring everyone

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    The idea of let players pick add-ons into there own world is great step, however the problem still here by we need to buy them to play them. Kids won't have access to money to play add-ons and parents ain't going to fork out £5-£15 for a single add-on.

    Overall the idea is a great directional take for bedrock having mods but nobody wants to buy mods when java doesn't have to spend a penny on any mods or modpacks, heck you can even create your own modpack combining other amazing mods but your limited heavily with what's cheap or free

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    It would be a good idea if they were free, the fact that on Java e Bedrock (Console) They have two different systems it brings a lot of difference to the game and the fun, especially for the fun, I would play every day if I had something new to do, I have done everything and I can hardly find my enjoyment of Minecraft

  • 18
    Registered User commented
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    This is awful no one wants to pay for mods 

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Most people think that these are mods, but they kind of are but kind of are not and I think they should be more like a true mod where It’s totally new items added because right now the TNT and furniture add-ons are considered creatures and not physical things. For example, you can walk through the TNT, It’s not a physical block and if you go to creative, the furniture is grouped with spawn eggs, not under decorations or blocks in their label under the creature category. And I don’t know if this is the way, Mojang set it up to be done or if this is the creators option to do it, but I think it should be treated as how mojang new items or features or mods on Java edition works

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think you should support the addons so that they have the same quality as Java, this is very important because the Java version mids are much better and many creators wanted the opportunity to share their mods with bedrock, but there are many limitations that can be solved if you pay attention.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    You can only have add-ons on new worlds, and you can only have one add-on per world, isn't that exactly the same as before?

  • 15
    Registered User commented
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    It should be totaly free because no one want to pay for addon we want free mod like java and no more micro transaction

  • 8
    Registered User commented
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    I won’t be spending money on addons until we can use them on realms. My friends got really excited when I told them I was adding furniture and new pets to the realm, which would refresh it as it’s been going for quite a few years now. I’m really disappointed in the lack of support for this

  • 11
    Registered User commented
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    Love them. A great way to introduce some mods into Bedrock. HEre's some things to address:

    1) Some of them have a cost... 100% fair, I want to pay for the time and work the developer of the add-on put into it but I do agree that cost may keep many buyers off the table. Mostly if they are underage

    2)More than 1 add-on or add to Realms? ... YES you can add more than 1 to any existing or new world and even add them to Realms. Check the "Behavior packs" setting in the world config to add multiple or to Realms)

    3)Simulation distance in Realms (capped at 4) can introduce a problem with spawning add-on mobs. For example, I always have 3-6 dragons around me at all times when playing on my Realm. They ar emor elike cockroaches than dragons since they are so common due to SIm distance and maybe the spawn table is also too common on top of that

    4) A problem with these add-ons is that the recipe book doesn't seem to include them in. Thus, you must memorize recipes or use the add-on books to craft items. Would be nice to have these integrated into te recipe book at the crafting menu.

    5) What would I like to see in the future?... Backpacks, more furniture, more creatures, more enemies, more weapons and tools, maybe the integration of some of the biggest mods (create, botania, mekanism) into Bedrock...


    Really excited to finally see this being added. But not keeping my hopes up since I know bedrock has TONS of limitations at the moment



  • 9
    Registered User commented
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    Pros: Gives every console with access to minecraft the ability to download and install addons onto any world. Allows more creators to individually create content without the need of a team behind the map creation.

    Cons: There is a limit to the free posts a marketplace creator can make. (To my knowledge it is 2 or 3 per account could have been changed though). Not every user has access to a source of income to purchase addons as well as creators don't always want to force a payment wall behind their work.

    How to fix: I understand that it costs mojang money to review addons and getting too many free addons would just cost them more money than they would be making. So an easy solution is to charge a standard fee of let's say $10-$40 to make a free post that exceeds the standard free post limit. For anyone saying paying a $40 fee just to post a free addon is ridiculous well to an extent your correct but keep in mind that this is the only place that every single console can access these addons and mojang needs to be paid for the review time. When posting a game onto steam it costs $100 per game whether it's free or not and people don't complain about that. It would also prevent people from spamming less quality filled addons since each one would cost them to post. As for the review time on updating a free post, you could require the user to list a github repo or something equivalent to check all changed files and only review the changed files instead of reviewing everything.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Do add-ons affect servers? Is there a way to enable them on the Bedrock server bin? Does this replace or change the current mod system for bedrock?

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    My husband purchased Add Ons. The decocraft add on, it does not list that it is not compatible with the current version of the game and now we are out money and we can't delete anything we placed in out camp. We are on version 1.20.62 and its only compatible up to 16 what is going on!!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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     can add more add-ons please 

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    I think this is a one step closer for bedrock to have better addons for all devices so people won't have to mess around to get addons 😃👍

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    I've added a few of these and they work great in my single player world, however I have a bedrock dedicated server running for my kids to play on and would love to add the gravestone add-on to that. I can't find anyway to do this. Is there a guide or am I just missing something obvious?

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    I was really waiting for this, finally I could add mods to my realm. However, achievements should not be disabled for add-ons that have no impact on earning the achievements. I will try some add-ons and look forward to more, but I won't be regularly using them until I can earn achievements with them enabled.

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    Its a great idea, But grid-locking it into the marketplace and forcing console users to pay for it seems cheap.


    I know its going to start free, But most of the things people actually want to download are going to cost money, And I don't think the community can handle that right now

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    When addon compatible features get updated

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    The add on guide books aren’t accessible with text to speech. I would appreciate if this could be looked into.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    Howdy, I love the idea of add-ons and that it's super simple to get them, But my only gripe currently is that they disable achievements. They don't seem to make you get them any faster or slower from what I can tell, But otherwise a great new addition. They also save me the hassle of not having to deal with weird sites for mods which I don't know if I can trust or not. 

  • 6
    Registered User commented
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    Love the Add-ons option, it seems like a good middle ground/compromise for adding mods on console, which I have desperately wanted for years! I added the Naturalist add-on yesterday and love the new life it is bringing to my world. My biggest wanted add-on is just CONNECTED GLASS! Please add this as an Add-on! We always see people playing java online with connected glass, and want that in our own worlds! It will open up my windows and really let me get the views without a large grid of lines blocking everything.

  • 7
    Registered User commented
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    Too bad they disable achievements. I got excited for some but then found out they disable achievements. I know some make some things easier in Minecraft, but adding extra mobs or a tech pack like Techna doesn't.

  • 3
    Registered User commented
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    when i downloaded and acitvated the addons i didnt realize it disabled achivements and now i lost my survival world and my backups were cruppited


  • 2
    Registered User commented
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    I would love to see endermen picking up modded blocks and custom dimensions in the future on Bedrock.

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    PLEASE ADD A BACKPACK ADD ON It would make the game so much better!!

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    Look albeit i am very excited that we have add-ons on bedrock Console edition now, But The hype was automatically killed when I went on my 8-year-old world And it automatically said it was going to disable the achievements..As someone who is taking there time with there world an not wanting to rush things cuz I'm a Builder more than a I was really excited for the wool Add on an Ofc seeing that just disables the achievements it's a downer..I hope you guys can look into what mods can be actually deemed as Cheats.

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I attempted to activate the furniture add-on to my realm and it read that it failed to download and then my realm was bugged to the point that I wasn’t able to join it for the rest of the evening. I really want to add the furniture add-on but I’m scared to try and download it again lol

  • 5
    Registered User commented
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    When I bought the add ons I thought it was going to be like Java. Where you could still earn trophies in your existing world. Not copy your world and put the add on , On. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the add ons. But if it’s a bug where it’s making it not act right then please fix it. Because I spent money thinking I would be able to play on my world with these amazing add ons. Hopefully you guys actually take the time to read these Can do so much amazing things. But can’t because I won’t be able to earn trophies with the add on enabled.😭 and. NO BODY WANTS TO MAKE A COPY OF THEIR WORLD. THAT THEY SPENT HOURS ON WANTING TORCHES BUT THE ADDONS DONT ALLOW IT pleasseeeeeeeeeeew fixxxxxxxx itttttttt