We’ve been getting biome updates recently, but the last update that has added a biome, also made that biome rare. The River update should add a current to rivers, and maybe even more realistic river function like how they start from mountains with melting snow. There should also be waterfalls and rapids. there should also be different water function and wind behavior. You should be able to add a sale to a boat to go faster, as well as wind and water currents. Now, of course me and many other Minecrafters would love to see more mobs added to Minecraft, so some river associated mobs, that would be a fun find and possible farmable resource could be beavers, platypuses, otters, crocodiles, grizzly, or black bears, or even some extinct animals like castoroides or river dolphins! also, I’m not completely sure if this is really related or relevant, but axolotls should be able to either mature or undergo a process to become salamanders.
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