This new rework seems like a terrible idea.
Librarians as they are now are the only consistent/non-RNG way of getting enchantments that you actually want.
Forcing the player to invest hundreds of emeralds on trades they don't want/need just so they can level a librarian up for the opportunity to spend even more emeralds on ONE enchantment they want is just asinine. That alone is already so much worse than the system we already have. But wait, there's more!
So you did that and you managed to get Respiration 3, now you want to get Efficiency 5. According to the wiki (because that's what people will do, check the wiki to see which biomes offer which enchantments; exhilarating gameplay) you need to go to a desert village for that. Dang, I haven't seen a desert biome in ages yet alone a village. Guess I'll check a seed map online (again, fantastic game design that encourages the use of 3rd party tools). Looks like the closest desert village is about 75,000 blocks thataway.
Alexa, play A Horse With No Name.
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