The Wandering Trader's main function has been to enable access to seeds/saplings etc that would otherwise be inacessible this is especially useful in Skyblock. The new changes are a mixed bag, him buying from you is good and the chosen trades here seem sensible, his new sells are, however, basically uselss, this addition which is supposedly based on player feedback seem dubious, who wants just 8 Logs for anything?
As you're looking again at wandering traders, I would instead suggest the following additions to their trades to help with skyblocks (Though other methods of aquiring them initially in void worlds would be fine):
1. Mycelium, Crimson & Warped Nylium, and Grass blocks as alternatives to/in rotation with Podzol
2. The 2-block tall flowers (Rose, Lilac, Peonies & Sunflowers)
3. Chorus flower, Glowberry, Netherwart, Sweetberry (though foxes could spwn holding this instead?), & Cocoa Beans (though allowing Java players to fish these up, as with Bedrock would be fine instead)
4. A Lava Bucket (Though this could be done via hero of the village rewards instead?)
5. Sponge blocks (Though maybe through Lightning striking a guardian etc instead?)
6. Amethyst / Echo Shards
In addition to the above there are some other items which It would be nice to able able to access initially, how its done doesnt really matter:
Jukeboxes & Enchanting tables
Netherrack (Bedrock style portal Generation?)
Heart of the Sea
Guilded Blackstone (Bartering?)
Glowstone Dust for Nether Spawns (Bartering?)
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