The Fishfolk
Located: Underwater Villages
Biomes: Frozen Ocean, Cold Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean
Village Features: Sea Pickle Farms, “Tridentsmiths”, Underwater Huts, Sponge Farms
Fishfolk have the capability to survive underwater, requiring to be in water to survive, otherwise they’ll suffocate (much like other aquatic mobs). Fishfolk are neutral mobs, being generally peaceful towards the player, even trading with them for items (including things like kelp, sponges, coral, prismarine, nautilus shells, tridents, turtle shells, and even Eyes of the Sea). However, if a player punches/shoots a Fishfolk, they will all attack the player. Also, if a Fishfolk is in the vicinity of a player harming peaceful/neutral aquatic life (such as attacking a pufferfish), they will turn on the player and attack them. Fishfolk are always hostile towards Drowned, Guardians, Elder Guardians, and Phantoms.
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