I have a problem with how picking up XP after death works in Minecraft. I often run into a case where I'm nearing Level 30 in XP and what always happens is that I die right before I can hypothetically cash in on those sweet Level 30 enchantments. I'm okay with taking away some of my XP when dying but I'm infuriated my XP level resets to Level 7 and I have to grind for hours to get my XP back. I would like it if you make retaining/recovering after death easier in a future update. My suggestion would be to either have a way to store XP like other items so that you can retain your XP for future use or have the level reset after you die to be set at half the level you died at i.e. if I die at Level 30 my XP is reset to Level 15. Please find some way to fix this in a future update so I don't have to worry about dying every time I try to do a simple task. Thanks
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