Diamond Armor, Diamond Ore and the Diamond are some of Minecraft's most iconic items.
They're vital components in Gameplay Progression, which begs the question: Why is it that they are so hard to obtain via mining?
Mining makes up half of the title of the game. Yet, actually going down to -58 and mining in any number of fashions (Strip mining, branch mining, etc.) yields but tedium and a very minor amounts of diamonds, compared to pre-1.18.
With deepslate being harder to mine than stone and caves often not going down to -58, the act of trying to acquire larger amounts of diamonds is boring and extremely time consuming.
I suggest one of the following:
Buff Netherite Pickaxes. With Netherite Tools becoming harder to obtain in 1.20, I find it appropriate that those tools should mine deepslate faster. Making deepslate mineable as fast as stone with a diamond pickaxe, would go a long way in aiding fun. Additionally, it could also instamine deepslate with a beacon, brinigng us back to strip mining days because as it currently stands, mining for diamonds via actually mining is not fun.
Revert exposed diamond changes: Currently, the actual Mines are gorgeous and it's incredible fun to explore them. Yet, when it comes to having to find mining one is disincentivized to actually go into them, due to diamond being rarer in them.
I wish this issue were addressed as I love the caves and love mining, but not in it's current form.
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