Candles in groups of more than 1 should have different orientation depending on what side of the block you started placing candles on. When placing one candle on a block, it wouldn't matter where the candle is or what direction its facing. But when placing the second, third, or fourth candle, the orientation of the smaller candles in front and larger candles in the back should start from where the player placed the second candle.
Currently when placing multiple candles on a block, the orientation of the candles doesn't rotate depending on how they're placed. in groups of 3, for example, the smallest candle is always to the south. In groups of 4, it's always the south-west. Placing them from different facing directions doesn't effect this, no matter how the candles are placed, the arrangement is always the same.
This results in the smaller candles being partially obscured depending on how the arrangement is made. I think it would be better if the rotation of the arrangement changed depending on which direction the group is placed (as it would, for instance, in placing a stair block).
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