Since powdered snow gives the player a freeze effect, I figured that there should be something similar with the heat.
Heat exhaustion could be represented by slowness and hunger, and if not treated by either finding shade, wearing a helmet, or eating food...exhaustion could lead to heat damage.
Both heat exhaustion and heat damage can be noticed when the edges of the player's screen slowly start to change from an orange shade to a fiery red with flame designs and patterns much like the freeze effect has the screen slowly turn blue with snowflake effects appearing on the health bar and the screen itself. With heat exhaustion and damage, the hearts will turn to flames.
Heat exhaustion and damage will occur in dry desert biomes such as the badlands and mesa, and not where there is a beach. Heat exhaustion and damage will also occur in jungle biomes but only if it has rained in the biome recently and builds humidity, humidity in a jungle biome will be represented by a cloudy haze that covers parts of the biome as well as drips of water dropping from the leaves of the jungle trees and bushes.
Heat exhaustion and damage also occurs in the Nether biomes: Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest, and Basalt Deltas. Heat exhaustion and damage deals more damage in the Basalt Deltas. A way to counter this effect is to have potions of fire resistance.
A way to avoid these effects in the overworld are to have a helmet on, have a source of water, or stay away from areas prone to have these effects.
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