You've been in your boat for 4 days. Food is running low, your health is dwindling, and monsters are on the cusp of breaking into the night. Off in the distance, you spot an island. You scream joyous tunes into the wailing triumph of the night; the evils of circumstance will not be your end! Alas, it is just a stone island. However, what if it had a chance of being a volcano? These otherwise boring islands will spring to life as varying amounts of lava are occasionally launched from different points in the hard Earth! It splashes and sizzles against the water around the island, creating more stone but fizzling out as it has no source block (because that would be ridiculously difficult to maneuver). Perhaps it isn't the safest alternative, but it could work in a pinch if you have nowhere else to go. Additionally, that's only one scenario. Filling up a lava cauldron? Seeking refuge from the world? Trying to build an evil lair? There's so many places to use this single change without even having to add new blocks, items, or mobs!
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