Please read the pinned post on creating new biomes and dimensions. Remember that individual items, mobs, and structures should still go in their own categories - this is not a category for entire updates.


Seasons and better nature


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  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    This has literally been suggested over and over, and there are several mods for it. If you're going to make a suggestion on the feedback page, PLEASE provide some actual information or ideas instead of a generic single sentence that provides no insight.

    How would the seasons work? How would they make it different from all the mod versions out there? How exactly would they improve trees? There's not a lot of go off of here.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    Improved trees: Maybe introduce "burned" trees (trees without leaves) in dry biomes - in savanna, wooded badlands and very rarely in deserts.