4 June 2020
(edited for clarity)
Help our team help your feedback get seen!
- Keep suggestions focused on a single idea per post.
- Lists and pictures of text are not posts and will be marked as spam.
- Pictures and links should only be added when they are helpful. Pretend there was a bug that made all pictures disappear - does your post still make sense? Keep your pictures to no more than 3 or 4 small pictures.
- Posts must contain content. Empty posts are spam. Subject lines aren't optional. :) Subjects and contents need to be different, otherwise, it's just spam.
- "More mobs" (ores, biomes, dimensions) does not really tell anyone what they're voting for. We all want more (fill in the blank)! One specific idea to discuss and vote on is an even better idea.
- Focus on single ideas, not on entire updates. Good updates are made up of many good ideas.
- Did you check this one for Minecraft Java and Bedrock ideas?
- Never ever post any personal information like your age, name, or email address.
- No outside links. This means links to documents, pictures, your blog, outside forums, social media, or anything like that. Because outside links can be changed at any time to unsafe content, they will be considered spam and rejected. JIRA links are fine and strongly encouraged.
- If it's been in a video, it's probably already been posted about. Don't forget to search first!
- We cannot provide dates or updates. Sorry, please stay tuned to minecraft.net for those. We intend to bring features to all platforms we are currently updating. If something is present in a snapshot or beta, it will likely be on the other platform in the future. Thank you for your patience!
- Search like a pro! Just because an idea has been around since 2018 doesn't mean you need to repost it (please don't), it means it needs more great voices and promotion - like yours!
- Never post exploits. File it as a bug or report it to support.
- NO ALL CAPS (again, that's spam).
- Posts are not petitions (that's not how this works). Posts are discussion starters.
- Are you sure it isn't in the game? https://minecraft.wiki/
We want to make sure the feedback site stays a great, clear, and valuable place to post.
Thanks for reading!