In this week's snapshot we are adding a new experiment which will allow you to experience the Pale Garden, a new eerie biome filled with Pale Oak Trees and Hanging Moss. Beware of its sole inhabitant, the Creaking, and don't blink!
Happy Exploring!
Experimental Features
The experimental feature with the Pale Garden biome can be enabled by turning the "Winter Drop" experiment on. You can do this in the Experiments screen while creating the world. These experiments have no effect unless enabled. You can find more information about Feature Toggles here.
We would love to hear your feedback on the new Pale Garden biome and the hostile mob the Creaking.
Creaking feedback thread: https://aka.ms/mccreakingfeedback
Pale garden feedback thread: https://aka.ms/mcpalegardenfeedback
Winter Drop
Added Pale Garden Biome, Pale Oak tree, Pale Moss block, Pale Moss carpet, Pale Hanging Moss and Pale Oak woodset
Added Creaking mob, Creaking Spawn Egg and Creaking Heart block
Pale Garden
Pale Garden is a biome variation of Dark Forest. Unique features:
Pale Oaks generate here
Pale Moss blocks/carpet generate on the ground here
Hanging Pale Moss generate hanging from the foliage of Pale Oaks
Animal mobs do not spawn naturally in Pale Gardens
New biome specific ambient sounds
Creaking Heart block can generate in Pale Oaks
Pale Oak Tree
Pale Oak Leaves drop Pale Oak Saplings that can be planted in a 2x2 configuration to grow Pale Oak trees
Pale Oaks logs can be crafted into the Pale Oak woodset:
Fence Gate
Hanging Sign
Stripped Log
Stripped Wood
Pressure Plate
Boat with Chest
Pale Moss Block
Pale Moss block generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome
Pale Moss Carpet
Pale Moss block generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome. Unique features:
When placed, Pale Moss Carpet grows up to two blocks on the solid faces of any block that borders it
Pale Moss Carpet can be bonemealed to grow to full on all solid faces of any block that borders it
Pale Hanging Moss
Pale Hanging Moss generates naturally in the Pale Garden biome under the foliage of Pale Oaks
Pale Hanging Moss does not grow randomly, but can be bonemealed to grow down
Creaking mob
The Creaking mob spawns at night in the Pale Garden biome if there is a Creaking Heart block that has been generated in a Pale Oak tree. Gameplay features:
An activated Creaking will not move if a player is looking at it
Creaking is invulnerable to damage
- Creaking has Fire Resistance
When hit, a particle trail is shown between the Creaking and the Creaking Heart block it is connected to
When the Creaking Heart block the Creaking is connected to is destroyed, the Creaking is removed
Is not affected by light levels but spawns and despawns based on day/night cycle
Creaking cannot enter Boats
Creaking spawned from a Creaking Heart can not go through portals
- The Creaking Spawn Egg will spawn a Creaking mob that is not connected to a Creaking Heart
- Creaking summoned from a Creaking Spawn Egg or commands will persist through day and night, and, loads and saves
- Is Fire Resistant
- Takes damage from attacks and other damage sources
- Has one point of health (half a heart)
Creaking summoned from the Creaking Heart cannot be spawned with a spawn egg, nor can it be summoned with commands. It can only exist as a part of the Creaking Heart block
Player wearing a carved pumpkin on their head can look at Creaking without it freezing in place
Creaking Heart
A Creaking Heart is a “living” block generating in Pale Oak trees, covered on all sides by Pale Oak wood logs. It can spawn a Creaking mob when it is nighttime, and it is placed between two correctly aligned Pale Oak log blocks.
Is active during night and dormant during day
Sends a trail of particles towards the connected Creaking when the Creaking gets hit by the player
When Creaking Heart block is destroyed, the connected Creaking is removed
New system for Pale Garden ambient sounds
Ambient sounds in the Pale Garden biome do not come from the biome settings but are generated by blocks found in the biome
Pale Hanging Moss emits subtle atmospheric sounds when it is attached to Pale Oak Logs and Pale Oak Leaves
Creaking Heart block emits a set of eerie sounds when it is active during night and surrounded by Logs on all sides
Bundle coloring recipes are now unlocked by Dye rather than uncolored Bundle item
Shulker Box and Bundle coloring recipes no longer work when trying to apply a Dye to an item of the same color
Added an accessibility option to make targeted block's outlines more visible
The game mode for the last active world on a Realm will now be visible on the main Realms screen if applicable
Technical Changes
The Data Pack version is now 56
Resource Pack version is now 40
Data Pack Version 56
- Added new particles: block_crumble and trail
- You cannot ride Leash Knots, Lighting Bolts and Fishing Bobbers anymore with ride command
- Added the rotate command
rotate Command
New command to rotate entities.
rotate <target> <rotation>
rotate <target> facing <facingLocation>
rotate <target> facing entity <facingTarget> [<facingAnchor>]
- target: The entity to rotate
rotation: Two rotation values in degrees denoting horizontal and vertial rotation
- May use relative (~) coordinate notation to specify rotation relative to current context rotation
- facingLocation: The coordinates of a location in the world for the rotated entity to face
- facingTarget: An entity for the rotated entity to face
- facingAnchor: Specifies the anchor of the facingTarget entity to rotate towards - feet or eyes (by default feet)
Note: parameters have the same meaning as in the teleport command.
Enchantment Effects
- Renamed effect type damage_item to change_item_damage, now also supports negative amounts
Item Tags
- gaze_disguise_equipment: Items that can be equipped to disguise the player looking for other mobs
- added block_crumble particle with the following options:
- block_state - the block state of the block to crumble
- added trail particle with the following options:
- color - the color of the trail
- target - the position of the target for particle to reach
Resource Pack Version 40
Increased to support the new experimental changes
Fixed bugs in 24w40a
- MC-64265 - Teleporting passengers does not dismount them
- MC-108323 - Underlines in chat and /title command intersect each other, causing an ugly effect when fading
- MC-185144 - Item durability bar and all items render incorrectly in the villager trade UI
- MC-272946 - The block outline is nearly invisible for some blocks
- MC-273848 - Players can spawn underwater again in 1.21
- MC-275505 - The /tp command forces a mounted entity to dismount
- MC-275706 - Vanilla clients can't display items with components in recipe book anymore
- MC-275790 - Non-existent entries in certain tags that are not required causes validation error
- MC-276005 - The text of sneaking players' name tags is rendered completely invisible or barely visible when the "Text Background Opacity" accessibility option is set to high values
- MC-276330 - Bundles no longer play a sound when being emptied
- MC-276387 - Bundles can remain in the open state when using hotkeys to move them into different slots
- MC-276391 - The item durability and bundle fullness bars render incorrectly when held over recipe book elements
- MC-276440 - Items within bundle tooltips can be unselected by scrolling despite only one item being present
- MC-276596 - Damageable horse armor with "damage_on_hurt" enabled doesn't take damage when the horse wearing it is hurt
- MC-276640 - Riding an entity constantly teleported with relative coordinates produces jittery camera movement
- MC-276651 - damage_item does not repair items when the value is negative
- MC-276669 - Pausing the game spams "Trying to save removed ender pearl, skipping" to log if ender pearls have landed
- MC-276806 - The text of name tags behind blocks or entities is rendered completely invisible or barely visible when the "Text Background Opacity" accessibility option is set to high values
- MC-276876 - Lava cauldrons deal less damage to boats and minecarts than before
- MC-276947 - Command server output in singleplayer is printed into chat
- MC-276948 - Split boat entity types have capitalized 'With'
- MC-276949 - Old boat entity type translation keys are not deprecated
- MC-276956 - Cannot access registries in container block entity "lock" field
- MC-276980 - Projectiles on the wall in the water will continue to produce bubble trails
Get the Snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- For any feedback and suggestions, head over to the Feedback site. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord.