This category is for Realms and dedicated server feedback. Please send support issues to, as support posts, bugs, and individual server issues will be removed. Remember that when it comes to "adding more servers" or realm restrictions we are constrained by the rules of the various platforms Minecraft is available on. Thanks!


Make server-sided inventory an option in the experiments menu


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    If you are talking about seeing all the players inventory’s as admin or realm/world owner  than I fully agree. I have had a BIG problem with my realm where it was me and a well trusted friend. Then we voted in 2 new members and the realm went up in flames with stealing and stuff. I would like that option but in the meantime download the world use a application to view all that stuff. ( I use universal mc editor) create a new creative world delete the player data from it then copy and paste all the player data from 1 player from your realm/server/regular world and save the new creative world. When you join you new world again you will be in the exact place as that player and have all inventory and endear chest inventory! It’s complicated but it’s what we realm owners with cheaters online have to deal with for now. I’m thinking about making a YouTube video about this sometime. Hopefully I could help. Good luck with inventory patrol. -PixelizedWill