We've received a number of questions since player chat reporting in Java first went into snapshot a few weeks ago. To give you a better understanding of how this feature will work and for answers to common questions, head over to our new blog post and Player Chat Report FAQ.
If you do have any additional thoughts and feedback on player chat reporting then let us know below in the comments.
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These ideas of mine are the only way that I can see that would have a chat-reporting feature be feasible:
A) The chat-reporting to be on by default for Realms, with an easy way to turn it off if the server administrator so wishes
B) The chat-reporting to be off by default for all other normal, non-Realms servers, with an easy way to turn it on if the server administrator so wishes
C) Such complying servers to be marked with a ⚠️ in the server list
D) Any account marked as belonging to a child (perhaps if its user is younger than 13 years) may not join non-monitored servers
E) Do not issue permanent bans, or bans of indefinite, or unreasonably long, lengthThe justifications in the FAQ and blog post are insufficient. The chat reporting feature should not apply on privately run servers, only on Realms. Alternatively, there should be a new server setting to enable chat reporting at the server owner's discretion with a warning screen for people looking to connect to a server with the setting turned off. This way, communities can decide for themselves whether they want to opt-out and users can be notified that such a community has its own processes in place.
Please, just get rid of it entirely. It's wildly unpopular, distrustful of your player base, and fundamentally just a plain bad idea. Not to mention the massive opportunity for abuse it presents, no matter how well your intentions.
We're better off without, and we keep trying to tell you so. Just leave us be.
Mojang did not address the issue with editing and removing content from the reports file, yet continued to defend that it was "unable to be falsified".
You need to make sure that ALL messages that are part of the report use a cryptographic signature linking back to the previous message so that any context that is REMOVED does not alter the context of the report! Multiple YouTubers have shown this is possible and not avoidable with the current system.This is quite literally the worst idea I have ever seen a company attempt to implement. It is immediately going to be abused to get people wrongly banned. What is stopping me from just making a server and submitting fake reports? No one is going to update to this new version and any more updates you try to do will be ignored, literally killing your game here. There's so many problems with this, and you don't even provide hosting for the servers, so who gives you the right to even moderate them?
gg rip minecraft 2022
How are non English based chats handled when a report for it would come in?
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Make the chat reporting better, at least! I have a post explaining this in more detail, but there are many false bans and is overall just hated. A better method would be:
1. Require servers to submit their rules to the mod team. If a chat from the server violates the server’s chat rules, then it would be reported. If there are no chat rules on a server, people shouldn’t be banned for chatting!
2. Look at a post’s context. With some form of context, hundreds of false bans would be completely avoidable. Example: If a player were to make a typo of a appropriate word making it inappropriate, and then correct it on the next chat msg, that player should not receive such a hard punishment.
3. Servers with whitelists should be safe from chat reporting unless the admin wants it.
4. Joining a server with a mod that tampers with chat (multiple mods disable CR) should have a pop up stating that it could be unsafe. Same with servers that have certain rules disabled.
5. Tell the player the reason why they were banned and highlight the specific chats that were reported. Keep the reporters anonymous.
Chat banning is outrageous because things could be taken out of context and this will make the game less popular
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We appreciate your attempt here, we really do. We understand why you're pusing for this type of system, but unfortunately we also know based on years of experience what it CAN lead to.
We have our own global ban reporting functions through programs like McBans or McBouncer, among many others. If we choose to look for player history, we can find it. We, the players, will decide if a player should be part of our communities. We opt-out of your oversight. If that's a problem concerning the Minecraft EULA, then clearly it needs to be changed.
This is not a case of Java players getting on board with Minecraft. This is a case of oversight being implemented without being asked. There are plenty of client-side avenues to pursue in regards to "chat safety," including but not limited to a player choosing not to engage with a conversation around them, stretching to a built in filter for the client to be turned on or off. Jumping straight to global oversight is insulting to server owners who've been doing this for twelve years.Get rid of the system or make it toggable. Servers have a staff and they are doing that. They have more context than "highly trained moderators" and aren't bombarded with reports moreover the Server staff is in most cases able to contact any players involved in arguments and stuff and mediate on their own.
While I personally do not like the idea of external chat moderation, I realize that some of the concerns Mojang has voiced are valid. Still, I believe the current implementation is poorly executed.
In my opinion, servers should have a setting to allows them to opt out of Mojang's ban list. At minimum, the Auth servers should alow for distinguishing between a banned player and an unauthenticated one. If "offline_mode" exists, which allows any player to join, even if they do not own the game, a setting to allow legit but banned players to join should not be held back due to "player safety concerns" or such.
As with any reporting system, no matter how hard Mojang tries to make their moderation objective and fair, there will be false bans that slip by their team. Be it an honest mistake by the reviewer, a misunderstanding due to context reasons or something else, such situations will undoubtedly arise. That is why i believe, that there should be a way for such players to continue enjoying your game with their friends.
A lack of chat moderation in the game is a problem, but enforcing a global ban list onto privately hosted servers with no way to bypass it is NOT a good solution.
Thank you for reading and please, rethink this Mojang.
Regarding this new feature, players will always be paranoid of being falsely banned from all servers with the current implementation, creating an undesirable aura of abject fear around the game. If a player on the anarchy server 2B2T says something horrible, as is expected on that server, they shouldn't fear they'll be permanently be banned from all servers. It's an anarchy server where everything goes, players joining implicitly consent to experiencing horrible things. Player reports to Mojang from that server should be implicitly blocked. Likewise, if a server either doesn't trust Mojang's moderation or is perfectly fine with toxic players, they should allow players deemed "toxic" by Mojang to join their server. Players joining such a server implicitly consent to interacting with players Mojang deems "toxic". By outright banning "toxic" players from multiplayer, Mojang is depriving server owners of their right to create a social space of their preference. If a server owner doesn't want/isn't able to moderate their server, they should have the option to let Mojang do so for them. If a server owner want to moderate their own server without interference on Mojang's part, they should be able to allow "toxic" player to join if they want to and judge said players by their own rules. It might be nice to let the server owners see why a player was deemed "toxic" though, as they may be fine with some toxic behavior but draw the line at others(like espousing pro-genocide propaganda).
I really feel like this is the beginning of a dark era for Minecraft. Servers have managed on their own for over ten years. As a server owner I can only say one thing: we don't need your moderation. It just feels unfair that you could ban someone from every server without us even knowing about it.
I truly hope that the trust between Mojang and (almost) every server owner can be rebuilt. Right now it's shattered. You own Minecraft Realms. Feel free to ban people from it. Just please give us, private server owners, a choice to toggle it on or off.I would prefer if there is an official way to disable it on self hosted servers. If you're trying to protect minors, maybe you can tie the disabled reporting features to a 18+ check, which should be possible due to the Microsoft accounts. So only 18+ year old people can join servers that have the reporting feature disabled.
This way the host has the freedom to decide whether they want to allow anyone to join, but be subjected to Mojangs moderation efforts, or whether they want to age restrict their community and rely on their own moderation.
Yes, I have some thoughts. You've made it even worse than it was before.
Remove this so-called "feature" completely, it will destroy Java Community.
Give us the option to toggle it and we're all happy with it. Force it upon players that have no interest in the feature and make them vulnerable to abuse and we will never like it and find ways around it.
Just make an option inside server.properties for disabling this and let it default to "true". Many servers have their own rules and handle them well. Additionally, on some private servers created to play with only a few friends, the rules may differ too.
This is a solution looking for a problem that doesn't exist. This type over overwatch isn't and has never been needed on private servers as they already moderate themselves.
While I am pleased that you finally clarified this issue somewhat, the way that Mojang/Microsoft has gone about it does not engender any trust from the community and the criteria still is vague and could easily be abused. What are the specific standards of what's allowed and what is not and based on what country/region/religion/culture are those decisions made? Does being in Spain and talking about doing LSD get one banned? It's not illegal in Spain, but it is illegal in many other locations. What about talking about getting high? I use medical marijuana and it's legal where I am, but it's not legal recreationally in my same location, do I get banned if I mention I just took a hit and may be a little high?Beyond these concerns, the punishment of banning a player from all multiplayer functionality is draconian and extreme. The Bedrock community is rife with people being punished without knowing why and stories about how the appeals process is, at best, arduous and often slow or entirely non-responsive to players appeals.
Lastly, there should not be a requirement to give Mojang/Microsoft ultimate authority over private servers as it's neither wanted or warranted. Please keep private servers private and allow them the option to opt out of this moderation.
A player concerned about the game's integrity.
Just dont add it. No one asked for it. No one likes it. great idea to ruin the worlds best selling game.
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By far, the worst part of the chat report system is that it is vulnerable to clients who maliciously remove or insert message context within a report. This feature will be exploited and will weaken the safety of players who find comfort in such an amazing game.
The messages may be signed, but they are not linked together and malicious players are going to frame others and get them banned.
Please provide this feature to server owners. The server receives all messages, so this implementation would not vulnerable. Send chat reports to server owners so the mod teams can get reports and act on issues within their communities. Also let server owners add report categories.
You're trying to fix what's not broken
The community is more than capable to moderate itself like it did since foreverThere are no additional thoughts or feedback required beyond what has already been conveyed at least 3000 times on this site – and a lot more on others. This feature is simply not wanted by the community and should be removed. We cannot even say it's desirable as it's never been requested here ever.
Your FAQ has clearly stated that you intend to force the feature down the throats of your players, with the worst offense being it imposed to Third-Party Servers. You have officially broken the Community's Trust acquired over a decade for a feature that clearly serves no interest to the Community. But since you are forcing it, it's reasonable enough to believe that it will serve a… dishonest? Interest to you.
Make sure that all Minecraft related chats aren’t taken into real life.
Example: If someone were to say: ‘Can you please chop down some trees? I need nearly 5 stacks of logs for my base’, then we would know that, due to the use of the words ‘stack’ and ‘base’ that this is definitely Minecraft and not real life. But, because of the tree chopping, it could be counted as harming the climate, thus making it ban able.
So, the mods should definitely have at least surface level knowledge of the game so there is more context.
There are no additional thoughts or feedback required beyond what has already been conveyed at least 3000 times on this site.
Don't do it. You will just ruin this game forever. We don't need this. Literally NO ONE asked for this, the game was perfectly fine without the report function for 11 YEARS.
Would you guys be willing to just.... not? It's a bad idea, and the overwhelming majority of your player base is strongly against this feature. Don't alienate the majority of your player base... please.
I’d strongly prefer to not have the reporting system but I can get why it’s being added. The FAQs are nice to have and better than nothing, but they need substantial improvements.
- I think it’s important to be more concrete about why you’re implementing this measure. Many players, including those who have played Minecraft for a long time (such as me, playing since 2012) have not encountered any problems with multiplayer that seem to warrant player chat reporting and are not convinced that chat reporting would bring enough benefits to outweigh the downsides.
- You also need to address the concern that adding player chat reporting breaks the promise that migrating would only affect how you log in. Players might fear that you might add more pernicious measures onto Java Edition in the future, such as expanding the scope of chat reporting or sending all chat messages to the moderation team – concerns which you’ll also have to address. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to allay these concerns at all.
- You should also clarify your stance on game modifications that prevent chat reporting from functioning, as several have been released so far.
- You should also clarify how moderation deals with differences in local laws (most importantly for the “Drugs or Alcohol” category.
Also a minor nitpick:
- Change the description of “Child sexual exploitation or abuse” from “Someone is talking about or otherwise promoting indecent behavior involving children” to “Someone is engaging in or promoting…”.
Stop. Just stop. If this is your doing, Mojang, stop. If this is Microsoft's doing, please convince them to stop. Mojang, this is not your game that you should be enforcing any rules on, unless it's downright illegal activity. Minecraft is a community-tool. the different communities should be deciding their own rules.
If you don't want kids joining the wrong communities, do stuff like adding an optional profanity filter, adding age ratings to servers, adding multiplayer support for singleplayer Java worlds (like in Bedrock), adding a friends feature and having a 'friends only' chat option, or even giving Minecraft multiplayer a separate age rating from the rest of Minecraft.
We do not have questions, we do not want more details on how this will work, we have the details, and we don't like them. Remove chat reporting.
You should get rid of this function because any type of the censorship is bad and because no one asked
I agree with this new feature! People always bullied me very harsh for my orientation... Thank you Microsoft for making this game better and more enjoyable for all people across the world!