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Offical Minecraft servers (a way to improve chat reporting)


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  • 31
    Registered User commented
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    just don't make it the default server list

  • 41
    Registered User commented
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    I totally agree, the levels of strictness can vary a lot depending on the server, so Mojang so really reconsider it and do NOT make the global ban system cover every single Minecraft server on Earth

  • 19
    Registered User commented
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    This is a wonderful idea. For example, a privately-owned anarchy server with frequent profanity should not be moderated for profanity. Really, privately-owned servers should not be moderated with these new features in general. The only Mojang moderation on private servers should be for things which are explicitly illegal.

    If the idea is to prevent kids from seeing profane language, then setting up a "family-friendly," list of servers is best. This can either be at the request of the server owner, or a server run by Mojang. This way, the adults can stay on their private servers, while parents can ensure that their kids have servers which will be fairly insulated. 

    Also, this feature is only going to push the less savory activity onto other sites like Discord. It doesn't solve the problem, in fact, it makes it harder to solve on Mojang's end. 

  • 20
    Registered User commented
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    I think it should be removed entirely.  The entire way they've gone about this has been in incredibly bad faith.  They told us there would be no changes to Java Edition accounts with migration, and bans of any sort violate that promise.  They tried to overplay their hand and the mask slipped, chat reporting needs to go away completely.

  • 13
    Registered User commented
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    Chat Reporting would do more harm than good. If Microsoft and Mojang do not remove this feature entirely, we as a community will make sure that they start losing their profits - this is how corporations are punished.

  • 10
    Registered User commented
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    This is an amazing idea, I feel as though Microsoft should either implement it in the way mentioned here or add it as a setting to censor certain words such as how they do in bedrock (but toggle able)

  • 4
    Registered User commented
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    This idea is great and all, but chances are that many popular servers (Hypixel, PvPLegacy, etc.) would 'Verify', and the report system would still plague these servers, potentially killing them off still.

  • 0
    Registered User commented
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    This right here is a decent solution. Then players can still play on their realms THEY PAID FOR, the world's THEY PAID FOR AND BUILT, or their servers THEY PAID FOR on the game THEY PAID FOR. Singleplayer banning is especially disgusting. You shouldn't be able to get banned from playing a game YOU PAID FOR even on singleplayer. We can handle our own worlds/realms/servers. We don't want mojang and DEFINITELY NOT MICROSOFT to control OUR worlds/realms/servers.