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Mojang please ,for the love of your game, don't add a chat report feature.


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  • 324
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  • 262
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  • 406
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed! I really really hope this isn’t added because not only is it going to be impossible to tell if some if not all reports are real and which ones are fake but it also makes me just not want to play in multiplayer even more now, I’ve already pretty much abandoned pocket edition because of how glitchy it’s gotten for me, I may not want to play the Java edition either now, because what if I am suddenly dislikes by someone and they get their friends to report me for something I didn’t do? Are they really going to take the time to look into it when there’s hundreds of thousands of reports or are they gonna say “yeah this person has a lot of reports on them” and then ban me without checking what the actual case is?

  • 176
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  • 293
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. This censorship and reporting feature is a slippery slope and will lead to admins having no control over their servers anymore. There's already plenty of examples of people being banned because of false positives on Bedrock, including server admins themselves. This feature needs to be removed.

  • 124
    Registered User commented
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    Please don’t do this. This is important.

  • 270
    Registered User commented
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    By implementing global bans, not just on java but bedrock too Microsoft (and by extension Mojang) is breaching player trust. Imagine this, you're hosting a server for you and your friends and you're playing on a popular server. A chat message of yours gets taken out of context and you receive a global ban, no you cant play on the server YOU host. Also consider anarchy servers where there are no rules and (for the most part) no bans. Anarchy servers will be mass report everyone with the use of hacked clients, no system you build will be able to handle that, no amount of people can verify all those reports are legit. Server moderation has always been left to the server owners, admins, and moderators. By being able to ban people from all servers, they are taking away control from the players. How long until Mojang under orders of Microsoft won't release server jars anymore? How long until private servers are abolished and you can only play on either realms or Microsoft approved servers? Will server owners have to pay a fee to Mojang/Microsoft to host their servers? Global bans are just one of the stepping stones to the downfall of Minecraft. There's and old saying among tradesmen, "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Global bans are Microsoft fixing something that was never an issue to begin with.

  • 145
    Registered User commented
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    This change is dreadful and based on it I will not be playing any servers past 1.18. I only migrated because I was forced to and this is not exactly “the same experience, trust us” that we were promised. Seems like you’re trying to kill off Java edition and clearly it is working as I see less and less reason to play this game each day.

  • 76
    Registered User commented
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    Yea this agree if must then with the toggle on servers. There are many servers where the admins are doing there jobs by banning those players already. and by buying alter accounts this problem would make it worse for those who not if but will be targeted by some online troll. And maybe some users will be bullied by this.

  • 88
    Registered User commented
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    If Microsoft really insists on adding this, please at least make it so server owners can override the global ban and allow banned players onto their servers. I shouldn’t be blocked from having a good time with my friends because a salty 11 year old reported him on some mini game server.

  • 228
    Registered User commented
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    Servers should run off a "My house, my rules" mindset. Imagine the government telling your family you can't cuss in your own house. Terrible Idea.

  • 98
    Registered User commented
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    I can’t see any good reason to add it. Servers worked fine when they were just run by the server admins. This just seems excessive, and it will also cause players to quit. If you own a private server, somebody reports you for something minor, and you get banned, you lose access to the server that only you and a few friends play on, and you pay for. If adding it is because theres “inappropriate” stuff (oh my god guys he said a bad word! it was- uh, um, p-poopie!) in servers, it’s the parent’s responsibility to do that kind of thing. What even caused this to be added? Someone being drunk at a meeting?

  • 88
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed, Mojang / Microsoft (Mojangsoft) shouldn't be monitoring private servers. Private servers can have their own rules, different to Mojangsoft's. Not to mention the crazy amount of false bans to be expected.

  • 73
    Registered User commented
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    Agreed. This feature will practically guarantee its abuse.

  • 91
    Registered User commented
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    This would essentially be cancel culture imported to Minecraft. 

  • 70
    Registered User commented
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    If Microsoft is holding you hostage, blink twice.

    If they aren't, remove this "feature" and send it back to Bedrock where it actually belongs.

    Your "oversight" of communities that have created their own tools and moderated themselves for over a decade is neither wanted nor needed.

  • 82
    Registered User commented
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    Like the majority of people on the internet has already said, only the full cancellation of this global moderation policy will stop the current backlash from the community.

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    I absolutely agree.

    Even if Microsoft says they'll add an option to turn it off, or even promising a mostly hands-off approach to this, I refuse to believe them. What they say may be true at first, but as soon as it starts hurting their bottom line, they'll slowly shift to appease shareholders. It's either do it or don't. There is no in-between.

    These businesses only care about the bottom line, and you can find examples of this through the web. You can even find examples of this in history. 

  • 54
    Registered User commented
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    yeah man pls do not add it you are going to kill this game

  • 53
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, please do not ruin this game Microsoft!

  • 78
    Registered User commented
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    This would, without any exaggeration, be the absolute worst feature ever implemented into the game.

  • 35
    Registered User commented
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    Minecraft 1.19.84

  • 40
    Registered User commented
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    Entirely agree. This feature will inevitably lead to false bans with no appeals. Another implication of this is that Microsoft (not Mojang, because this is being imposed on them) can now read my messages if they get reported, or a message around them is reported. So much for encrypted chat messages, which were clearly only the first stage towards this mess.

  • 66
    Registered User commented
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    Yeah, this would ruin Multiplayer, suddenly there's a new danger to be aware of and that is that some 9 year old bra- kid is gonna report you and get all their friends to report you cause of a singular diamond. Terrible, absolutely Terrible idea. Worse than dare i say, the Desert Well.

  • 77
    Registered User commented
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    When Microsoft was forcing account migration, they promised there wouldn't be any changes like this.

    Never trust a mega-corporation.

  • 57
    Registered User commented
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    Can you un-add it? It's ruining the game. Private server owners shouldn't have to be policed

  • 47
    Registered User commented
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    Admins should be responsible for providing moderation on their own hardware. Microsoft should not have any say in the actual server other than blocking servers that break the TOS.

  • 33
    Registered User commented
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    I have nothing to say but yes get rid of this

  • 27
    Registered User commented
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    fck yeah

  • 22
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