Many people have asked for a trophy to be dropped by the Warden, but Mojang have rejected ideas such as weapons, mob head and a bunch of XP because they didn't want to make any items with unique shticks too hard to get, in addition, they want the Warden to be more of a force of nature than a foe to fight. so Instead of adding these things, they made the warden drop a sculk catalyst, in order to make it renewable. I think that in order to appease the people who want a trophy, what if the block was given a unique texture, such as a more bluey colour palette, or remnants of souls around the block. Even a unique name with a unique colour, such as "Wardens catalyst" that floats above the block. They could even make the block have an enchanting glow. Of course, the block will still work the same and stay in the Deep Dark so it doesn't become too hard to obtain. Thank you for reading! :)
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