So as you have said the warden is a mob we are not supposed to kill.Yet even though you have buffed him several times there are still many ways players could either escape or kill him espacially when they have reached the end game.For this reason i believe that the following changes should be made to him so as to make your intention clear.
1)make the sonic boom bypass armor
2)make the sonic boom deal 15 damage instead of 10
3)make the sonic boom have a 3.5 second cooldown
4)make his health points 600 instead of 500
5)make his melee attack deal 50 damage in hard mode instead of 45
6)make the sonic boom disable elytra for 1.5 seconds if the player is wearing them
7)when the warden is below 100 health he enters rage mode.When in rage mode all attacks do a little bit more damage he moves a little quicker and reaches a little further.All attacks also cause the sculk infection effect making the player always visable to the warden.
I also believe that ancient city loot should be buffed a little so as not to discourage players to explore them.To further support this, a new item should be added called the sculk berrie.This is a new type of food that is an extremely rare drop that only spawns in ancient cites but is even better than enchanted golden apples.Giving the player absorpion 5 for 3 minutes,regeneration 2 for 1 minute,fire resistance for 8 minutes,resistance for 8 minutes and speed 2 for 2 minutes when consumed.
These can be done in a snapshot
I hope whoever reads this has a great day.
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