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the Warden's sonic boom should be dampened by wool


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    While I do think that the sonic boom should take less damage and knockback the more wool walls the player put between them and the Warden, I don't think it should reduce the damage completely at a certain number of walls, meaning that the player will always take damage no matter what. less damage but damage non the less.

    This will help with getting the "How did we get here?" advancement and help the hardcore players as mentioned in the suggestion above, while still keeping the "no cheesing the Warden" thing the snapshot tried to address and give the player some sort of an advantage that they could use without reducing the sneaking aspect of the Warden.

    Another idea that I'd be fine with but not so sure I like as much as the one I mentioned above is keeping the mechanic of fully blocking the sonic boom at a certain number of wool walls but giving the warden the ability to destroy wool blocks specifically. 

  • 1
    Registered User commented
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    I had the same idea. This should be a thing


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    i wish mojang listen to you, so mining can be a little less dangerous, with that thing down there im not mining below y12

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    I think it would be great if the warden's sonic boom would pull you towards him instead of shooting away. as far as the warden can meet the wither from outside
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    This really should get in minecraft

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    One thing I've noticed is that Mojang does not really flesh out their additions very well. They just add something but don't try to integrate it thoroughly into old mechanics. Wool blocks should be capable of blocking the wardens SONIC attack. It's sound. If it covers a 9x9 cross section, you can't use it to cheese the warden; just to get away. What would also be nice is if it couldn't smell through walls - that's kinda op.